Saturday, August 15, 2015

Headed home...This year's furlough was way too long

The best Summer we've ever had both in U.S. and in Haiti
Fruit, growth, maturity and an awesome leadership team there
and Sabbath here - searching for normality; we found a form of it

Camps, gymnastics, vbs, family and friend visits...all the stuff Summer dreams are made of.

I have to admit that nothing seems normal about this world and in some form that blesses me because I find no comfort and it confirms that this world is not my home.

I look to the heavens in my heart  and yearn for the coming bridegroom.

I am thankful everyday for my adventurous partner in crime and the marriage we share.  I adore my kids, they have my heart.  That's scary because they, like me are such a work in progress-
That is vunerable and scary because I have so many aspirations and desires for their hearts, futures and lives and so I battle trusting that God loves them far more than I'm capable of and that He has a plan for their lives that might night be mine.

I'm seeking Him with all that I am for them but I'm still extremely flawed in that.  I am so thankful that love covers a multitude of sins because I love fiercely and so I return to our beloved island, so broken filled with a fighting love, hopeful spirit and ready for our family to be back together as one confident that there is no better place to be than in the will of God.

I have missed them so much -
This year:
7 in college in Port au Prince
1 possible internship
2 in college in the U.S. one about to graduate
2 second graders
4 sophomores
3 Seniors
2 interns
4 employees that are really more like family
and a bunch of students and community to get home to
What more could one ask for?

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Here's to celebrating 3 years of HoM! As we start our fourth year we reflect on so many fruits of discipleship, growth in leadership and impact!  Two current alumni (Vanah -aviation engineering in U.S./ Nolphky -medical school in DR), five Philo (Senior) students, five upcoming Philo (Senior) students, and more continuing to successfully persevering through High School as we faithfully serve our community and neighbors...
 Our beautiful family never ceases to bless and amaze me...from 2011 to now, we have grown so much!
 Couldn't be more proud of these 5 Seniors - In a recent article it stated that only 22% of students are enrolled in secondary education and even fewer graduate.  It also stated that over 85% of teachers are unqualified to educate.  Join us in prayer and support of these leaders as they pursue their dreams and who God created them to be!

Preparing for our sabbath vacation - year of the Shemittah

I just want to share what God has shown me lately as I prepare my heart and our home for vacation.

Many of you who know John know that he cherished Sabbath.  
By official definition: 
  1. 1
    a day of religious observance and abstinence from work, kept by Jews from Friday evening to Saturday evening, and by most Christians on Sunday.
Simple Biblical definition:
Sabbath [N] [E] [S]
The origin of the Hebrew sabbat [t'B;v] is uncertain, but it seems to have derived from the verb sabat, meaning to stop, to cease, or to keep. Its theological meaning is rooted in God's rest following the six days of creation ( Gen 2:2-3 ).

John knows in order to pour out, we have to be fed: -Spiritually -Physically & Emotionally 
Me: I Know God says BE STILL and KNOW that I am God so when we're busy trying to work everything out our own way; we are not only tired but usually not trusting God for HIS purposes vs. our plan  AND he created us to be Human BEings, Not Human DOings...

Well, last year we ran ourselves crazy, almost into the grounds traveling to six states and 36 visits whether churches, groups, etc  while barely getting to see extended family and friends; not to mention get to soak in our home church or community without being responsible for or leading anything.

 This year God had already laid on our hearts to be still, enjoy people and relationships and NOT do so much traveling but to REST.

Then, a precious older lady visiting our neighbor said, this is the year of the Shemittah in the Jewish Calendar.  
The year of the Sabbath.  Every seven years the jewish people were told to observe some very specific things in their Shemittah or Sabbath year...

1. Waive outstanding debts -  Give your friends a break
At the end of seven years you will make a release. And this is the manner of the release: to release the hand of every creditor from what he lent his friend; he shall not exact from his friend or his brother, because the time of the release for the L‑rd has arrived. (Deuteronomy 15:1–2)

I'm struggling right now with someone who won't return the electric guitar we lent him and our Haitian pastor at our church wants to use it. I need to be at peace with whether he returns it or not and pardon his debt...
I've been frustrated with a friend who hasn't yet returned a radio; pardon debt

2. Take a Break from Farming - TRUST God

This is their primary way of income and life sustaining support; they had to completely trust the Lord. Whatever their land produced was not only their provision BUT total community property free for anyone to take; that's crazy huge sacrifice and relinquished "rights" - beautiful.
For six years you shall sow your field, and for six years you shall prune your vineyard, and gather in its produce. But in the seventh year, the land shall have a complete rest, a Sabbath to the L‑rd; you shall not sow your field, you shall not prune your vineyard, nor shall you reap the aftergrowth of your harvest . . . And [the produce of] the Sabbath of the land shall be yours to eat for you, for your male and female servants, and for your hired worker and resident who live with you . . . (Leviticus 25:3–6)

We have five seniors going to university and two in university; one without a true and consistent sponsor.  Does it make sense not to run ourselves crazy all over the globe, jumping at every chance and opportunity to share their stories, or the gospel?  NO! It doesn't.  Most would say that fundraising is our income as well; life-sustaining support and yet God has said to trust him...

3.  Refocused on God - Restoration/ Revival
During this holy year the Jews were expected to concentrate more on our spiritual mission in life, and a less on our material pursuits. More on why we are needed, less on what we need. More on faith in God, less on faith in personal talents and pursuits.

I too, don't want to become weary Gal. 6:9...Therefore, I deeply desire during this vacation to not be caught up in the mission BUT on WHO the mission is about!  That HE is our sustainer and apart from him we are nothing.

And if you should say, “What will we eat in the seventh year? We will not sow, and we will not gather in our produce!” (Leviticus 25:20)
Yet those who put their trust in God were richly rewarded:
I, [God,] will command My blessing for you in the sixth year, and it will yield produce for three years. And you will sow in the eighth year, while still eating from the old crops. Until the ninth year, until the arrival of its crop, you will eat the old crop! (Leviticus 25:21–22)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What am I mad at?

I got much needed rest today: Got in the Word and meditated over Phil.2:1-18; had an awesome Bible study with my husband and vegged.  Then, out of nowhere I am back to wrestling with where I was when the day started…

Today I was renewing my mind that our battle is not against flesh and blood. 

So what am I mad at?

I’m not really mad at the thieves that broke into our home

I’m not really mad at our child or children who justify bad choices, lie about what they did or say hurtful things because after all that’s parenting right?! AND I am guilty too…

What am I mad at?  Things that I CAN NOT CONTROL!

I am mad at poverty.
I am mad at injustice.
I am tired of arguing right and wrong because someone wants to justify their perspective or position.
I am fearful of not being adequate enough to help our children know their identity in Christ or break bondages to be righteous men and women of God.

James 4:1-3

What am I mad at?  MYSELF (which by the way, I am very well aware is covered by the blood of the Lamb, mercy and grace – God has washed and poured his grace over me today and I am thankful for His peace; now if I could only ABIDE in that peace through the power of his Holy Spirit.)

Honestly, sometimes I just want life to be easier…
Instead of being really excited and thankful that we have running water today.  I hardly even noticed that blessing.
Instead of being frustrated at the asinine comments of one of my sons, I should be very proud that one stood up in truth.
Instead of feeling sorry for myself because I am so achy with whatever flu thingy I have; I should be really blessed that I was able to get out of bed and enjoy an awesome group of eighth grade girls bible study.

I am BLESSED and mostly I am mad that I can’t seem to dwell on that instead of battling my mind.  I truly desire to be faithful but on days like today I feel like such a train wreck physically, spiritually and emotionally…

Today my loving husband said, “I wouldn’t want to go through this beautiful disaster with anyone else.”  Man, he loves me well.  I couldn’t do this outside of Christ and I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else.  I love that man so much.

If God is for me, who can be against me?  (Even my own stinkin’ self?!)

This life is temporary and His mercies are made new everyday