Saturday, November 24, 2012

Justice seekers, think holistically

It was finally the day that Johnny and I both had time to go and visit his aunt.  It was a great time with his family until we headed down the mountain...

As we reached the main road we turned left and it happened...

I looked up and saw a little girl (age 4) get hit by a motorcycle as she was crossing the street. Her body resembled a baby doll being thrown into the air.  The little girl got up and stumbled toward her mom and then the mob started to form.

In Haiti, everyone gets involved when something like this occurs. 

We did not have time to work through the details of what happened, we needed to get the girl medical care.  Johnny picked up the girl and holding her head to stop the bleeding he jumped on a moto and headed toward our home. The mom got on my motorcycle and we followed.

Once we got to the house, Christi did an amazing job caring for the little girl by searching for all the wounds and bandaging her head.  We had a doctor friend on call in case he needed to come to the house.  After about 15 minutes it appeared that all the wounds were superficial and she was going to be okay.  

Stepping away from the little girl, I asked Johnny where the moto driver was that hit her and he looked at me and said, "John he is standing right there." As I looked at him, he faced showed concern for the girl.

Knowing that village justice occurs even in when things happen accidentally, Johnny felt it was good for us to take the mom and the little girl back to their house and speak to the "gathering crowd."  

As we pulled up the "crowd" was much larger and was still arguing over the accident.  We pulled up and began to speak to large group telling them that the little girl was going to be okay and reassuring them that this was an accident.  

As soon as Johnny began to speak the crowd quietened down and begin to disperse back to their homes.

I share this story in hopes that we all remember when things happen to us or others unintentionally we are called to quickly forgive and make all things crooked, straight again.  

After all, are we not all ambassadors of reconciliation?


Friday, November 16, 2012

What fills you?

Last week one of our students said, "I just can't be happy.  I said, What?  He said, I just can't get happy."
Today, someone I love with all my heart knows how, through actions and attitude proclaimed the same truth.

All of this seems like perfect timing because yesterday during mentorship Bible Study, we talked about fulfillment.

In discipleship time with Terah I was able to share with her these truths and thoughts.
*Salvation does not equal Satisfaction
Inviting him in by faith, given as a gift from Him is not the same thing as being Satisfied by Him.

We receive Salvation by grace but we have to seek the other

We looked at the story of the Samaritan Women at the Well in John 4

We looked at her ultimate thirsts and the things she had tried to fill them obviously wasn't satisfying her needs; and Jesus said He would.  We looked at how she replied that he didn't have a bucket for water - but that's because SHE was the bucket.  We are Christ's bucket...he wants to fill us and fulfill us (abundant life).  Complete us in him...Satisfy as we seek Him.

We closed with two more observations about that passage.
1. She went away excited that she had met a man that knew EVERYTHING about her.  Well, when your a lady that has been married 5 times then you probably wouldn't be too excited about someone knowing all your baggage (if you know what I mean!)
BUT when Jesus uncovers and reveals our junk, it's for excuse (forgive) and diffuse (The destructive bombs in our life)
Most of the time when man attempts to do the very same thing it's to accuse (judgement) and Satan is the great accuser-right?!

2.  At the beginning of the passage Jesus went to that well tired and needing a drink.  The disciples were even out getting food during this time.  After fulfilling the will of His Father in obedience during his time with this Samaritan women, we see at the end of the passage -John 4:31-33 that Jesus isn't even hungry anymore - it's like he's energized by the outpour of truth and love.
The very thought that not only does Christ fill our emptiness when we will seek streams of living water but that WE fill him when we respond to him in transformation, repentance,etc is totally amazing to me.

So, today Lord, I need you
I seek you and I pray for Holy energy...
You alone our God and may HoM, us, Haiti be satisfied by you...Revival!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Terah's Vision

When God was calling us to serve full time in Haiti, there were many convictions from HIS Scriptures...something huge was the COST of obedience and the COST of DISOBEDIENCE and the affect our decision has on the ones (our children) who come after us.  

With that said, although I know God is using us as we are in Haiti, NO DOUBT for HIS GLORY, HE is moving in the heart of Terah as well

 Praise God for her listening heart and ears...

The following is the vision HE is giving her:*
*She does not know I am sharing this!!

Head, Heart, and Hands for His Glory  
 This school would be about not only providing knowledge for the head, but also biblical and skillful teaching. During the time they were at school they would learn useful skills like, how to keep a house, cooking, and gardening. There would also be teaching provided for the heart and for the head. They would learn biblical stories and memorize scripture, but mostly learn to trust our creator. There would be around twelve kids to start with. I would like six older kids and six younger kids. They would have different responsibilities such as, watering plants, doing homework, and memorizing scriptures. This school would teach them their education and prepare them for when they are grown.

Thank you JESUS for the way you speak to ALL ages! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Missing my Grandfather

This morning we started singing "I will sing of my redeemer."

After a few words into the song, tears were streaming down my face.  Tears of joy and sadness wrapped in memories that I hold very dear to my heart and very vivid in my mind.

You see, this was a song my Grandfather led many times.  Many times we would sing it with him as he led it from the front as Music Director.

As we were sining this morning, I closed my eyes and saw him from the past.  Holing the"red book" with one hand and his other arm extended leading the congregation.

I miss those hands.  I miss holding those hands.  They brought deep comfort to my life.  They were hands that had seen much life, but still were so gentle to me.

As the song continued, all I wanted to do was touch those hands once more.  To be able to rub the large fingernail.

But for now, I wait!

I love you Papa and miss you very much!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Approaching ONE Year in Haiti

Galatians 5:1 "For Freedom Christ set us Free.  No longer be entangled in a yoke of bondage.   

 Today, All Saints Day or in Haiti the day of the dead is my regular Thursday meeting Bible Study time with my mentor in the village of LaPointe.  I go with our dear Haitian brother Kessey on a moto through tons of mud (it rained all night last night) passing so many things, lives, people who all have a story.  Who all, like myself need the daily reminder that Christ sets captives free, binds up wounds that no one else can see and leads us by Truth & the power of HIS grace, mercy and love.  (Isaiah 61:1, Isaish 64:4, and Isaiah 43:10 -Ya, I've been in Isaiah alot lately.)
     When I get to Ms. Gail's house, as usual she asks, "How has your week been?" I honestly tell her I'm tired.  Jordan didn't sleep well last night, we've been battling ants, mosquitos, waterbugs and who knows what else because of all the rain, standing water and mud, we have no running water because and we have replaced all the parts needed that should have fixed the problem to get water to pump from the resevior to the cistern, it was a long few days of bank business early in the week, we had some... She says, slowly and reminising-"The first year in Haiti was the very hardest.  If I had my choice I would have left and never came back but Crossworld doesn't allow you to leave the first year.  You have the highest highs and the lowest lows.  You're learning a new culture, language, country; it's exhausting.  Not to mention the illnesses..."

    The encouragement felt reassuring but deeper still we talked through the fact that we undoubtedly are called.  We KNOW this is where we are suppose to be and through it all we've learned to trust in Jesus and to depend upon His Word.  This led to the fact that those with a relationship with Christ have already won the victory and though some days feel like a success or failure that is not true at all.  It's no longer about success or failure because we have been faithful and obedient to live out this faith journey in Haiti and the House of Moses now it's about disobedience or obedience - EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

An attitude.  A choice. Satan tries to stir up what our redeemer wants to strip off so walking in peace brings unparalleled protection, power and passion because of dependance on Christ alone.  Praise God for prayer  - Eph. 6:10-18
 And oh, the supernatural, unexplainable, even unreasonable love that overcomes fear and obstacles that HE alone has given us for the beautiful Haitian people. 

As YEAR ONE in Haiti continues to wrap up + Refining by fire =  Without exception, prayerful lives are powerful lives!