Thursday, June 28, 2012

Oh Glorious Day!

I'm not like John...I can only "blog" when I am so filled that something has to spill out and hopefully that is fulfilling what the Word speaks of in Revelation when it says that Satan is defeated by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony.

Today is one of those days for me.  A day when life is so real and so right that in spite of anything and everything; the peace and joy of the Lord is totally consuming and you feel more alive in the moment you lay your head down and thank God that you are who he created you to be and doing what he's created you to do...THEN, you grab a computer and share it because just as in Acts 4:20 "you can not stop speaking about what you have seen and heard."

This was our day.  I woke up to my baby boy Jordan wanting a cartoon, went and found a computer that still had "charge" from the night before and our average four hours of electricity and put on a cartoon.  Then, I headed down to the kitchen to begin preparing breakfast for our family (of 19-us, 15 children, our brother and interpreter Johnny, Jessica our nanny).  When finished with breakfast we had family morning devotions which were incredible as Jocelyn (one of our students that wants to be a pastor) led the worship and prayer!  John brought an awesome Word out of Philipians and then John and I headed up for our daily meeting and prayer time.  We were wrapping up when Terah came in and said, "a team is here."  So, I headed down and gave a tour of The House of Moses to a great group of youth that was led by Hickory (a previous Summer intern from NWHCM).  We had an awesome time of prayer and they headed to the mission for lunch.  While on the tour they got to see our kids doing their responsibilities and chores (even Terah who was doing laundry and yes, our laundry is by hand as we don't have enough electricity to run a wash machine).  John has to leave for his discipleship meeting with Johnny, and Jocelyn leaves to pursue some legal registration of his birth certificate in Port au Paix AND lead prayer and devotion at the prison for Magdalla who couldn't make it today.  *Side note: His brother is in the prison and he came home BEAMING because he got to have time with him and be a testimony and example to his brother and the other prisoners!  
     By this time our beautiful sister and cook had arrived to prepare lunch, also a "brother" of our kids from Salines Mayette orphanage arrived to visit.  We told the kids that their friends and family couldn't come until after their end of year exams.  They finished yesterday-LOL!  They didn't waste any time.  So, we have an extra son for a bit and I pray that his time her is absolutely a hug from Jesus!  As I was sharing with the group and introducing our leaders in the home; I look over to see a few of our kids heading John's challenge from the previous night's devotion to reach out to the neighbors and invest in the lives around them and before them daily.  My heart smiled.

We put on some worship music throughout our home and it's "Le pou priye pou manje."  Time to pray for lunch.  We pray together - we eat together.

     Then, I head to the mission to take care of TONS of U.S. business and HoM accounting that I need to get done...which I worked hard and got a lot done but lost electricity before I could finish! ;-(  As I'm walking the kids along the way no longer call me Blanc, they call me Madam Paste John or Madam Christi and I LOVE this because we own a relationship with one another.  At the mission I also get to visit with many friends and loved ones that we miss and pray for, have a great conversation about how what we believe is not what we say but what we do as we listen to dear interns so we know how to partner in prayer for them and tell some Americans short term missions teams bye as they head back to the States- then we head home.  On the way home we come across our kids teacher grading their final Biology exam.  I greet the teacher and get to see and bring home their grades!!!  It was an honor hear that they are a joy to have in class, always respectful and all great students (I knew this already but it was great to hear!)  For the most part, they all did good BUT Fedner Severe got the highest score in the class 18/20!  

     When I get home, John is on the porch playing cards with the kids and we laugh as a family.  John leaves for a meeting at NWHCM and Michlaie and Elaie from La Baie come over to the house!  Woo Hoo- they help us put up our new basketball goal as a family (which was VERY exciting!) and then we sit back and enjoy the 3 on 3 games going on at the House of Moses.  John comes home and joins in awing at the new court and then another haitian friend Sarimone stops by for a visit.  Mislene and I make Chocolate Chip Cookies.  Dinner is a wonderful time of sharing and community as a family and then I was blessed to see Jessica serving Johnny to help with dishes (which is no small task in this household).  A bit later, a German doctor friend from the community who works for an Austrian NGO comes to visit.  He is leaving Haiti and wants to know if we are going to buy his inverter and batteries for the house.  We tell him we don't have the funds right now though we need them and would love to and he stays to tour the house and visit.  He is an unbeliever and he stays for evening worship and devotionals!  We always have a house full during this time and it was sweet.  Even with our brothers from LaBaie there was lots of food left over after dinner and there are too many hungry mouths in Haiti to waste good food.  So, we walk down the road to one of our sisters houses and ask if they would like the food.  It's the end of the month and she doesn't get paid until the first of the month.  She, her elderly mother and her daughter's walk with us to the house and get the food.  She says that he babies were crying right before because they were hungry and Jesus answered her prayers.  We pray together and the family leaves blessed.  Even our sons were filled as they said, "That was really good mom."  I watched them walk down the dark road and said yes, it's incredible that when we were making food tonight God knew it was for their family too and he provided."  I was filled by this thought of the love of the Father and then from the upstairs porch Jordan and Ava yell, "Mommy, Come sing to us."  I go up where they are sleeping on a palet under a mosquito net because it's cooler on the porch than it is in the house and sing with them.  They are so filled as they giggle and love their "tent."  They go to sleep and John and I bask in the day.

  I walk through the house to get beds ready for Michlaie, Elaie and T-Fran (our new temporary kid) for the night and their is peaceful fellowship going on throughout the house from kids talking on the porch to neighborhood friends, girls watching a movie on the computer, boys playing futbol games and a crowd watching the fun... Wow, thank you Lord.  My husband is working on the computer and stops to tell me about a sermon he listened to last night from Frances Chan. He said his wife was talking about a mission trip he was going on to China for three months and how so many people were commenting about what a sacrifice it was and about how they lived.  Her response was that I was reading in Acts and there is nothing wonderful about how we live, in fact this is just what following Jesus looks like.  He lovingly says to me, there is nothing special about us or our life-we just read the Bible and follow.  I am so in love with this man.
    I join Terah and the girls to watch another movie.  The generator goes off, I still need a bath but I have no words to tell how blessed, alive, and a part of God's kingdom I feel.  Gonna go now because I have a beautiful house of 21 lives that Jesus has provided food for me to prepare for them in the morning.  When, if it's His will, the Sun will rise and declare his glory...and His mercies will be made new.  Thank you Jesus. Mesi Jezi.    Bon Nwit (Good night!)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The House of Moses...Living in Obedience

Obedience is costly, but oh so rewarding and fulfilling.  

Even if I had the words they would not do it, to post a thousand pictures would only give you a imperfect view of the House of Moses.  What we are able to experience on a day to day basis is something that is raw and unexplainable.  To have twelve students living with your family; eating together, praying together, serving together, playing something that I believe God intended.  For followers to open up our homes and share in the joy that the Creator of the Universe has given us through the gift of our salvation, Scriptures, and the fellowship of the Spirit.  To walk alongside other brothers and sisters in the word and in relation.  To be able to share in the celebrations and defeats, to rejoice in the winnings and mourn in the losses.  

We are not a machine, we are an organism.  A living breathing organism orchestrated through the headship of Jesus Christ, working and serving alongside one another for His glory.  Being a light house in the darkness of the world. Sharing a Christ that exposes the darkness but does it with much grace and mercy.  

Our journey is called the House of Moses!  What is the journey God is calling you to?  
Surrender to His obedience, live in His power, express His joy to a joyless world seeking something greater than the demise of their own pain.  

Live beyond yourself.  

Thank you for walking with us in this call to obedience in our own lives.  Please share how we may pray with you and what God is calling you to!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

New Faith Journey for the Barnes Family...

House of Moses
Mission Statement
The House of Moses exists to develop High School orphans holistically as
leaders for a purposeful reentry into their culture.
A leader is someone who influences a group of people toward the achievement of
their goals.
Holistic development includes:
- Spiritual development
- Emotional development
- Physical Development
- Cognitive Development
Spiritual Development is achieved through weekly discipleship, accountability, and
attending church together as a family.
Emotional Development is achieved through purposeful interaction, house parents
being tuned into feelings, modeling of healthy interpersonal interactions by the house
parents, and teaching students to deal with success, defeat and conflict in a healthy
Physical Development is achieved through the provision and modeling of personal
hygiene, access to clean water, weekly exercise, and nutritionally balanced meals.
Cognitive Development is achieved in attending school, tutors, learning English, reading
books, and teaching and modeling of problem solving skills.
Core Scriptures driving House of Moses:
1. Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.  Luke
2.Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the
commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the
end of the age.”  Matthew 28: 19-20
3.Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. 
Proverbs 22:6
4.Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans
and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27
5.Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” 
Matthew 22:37,39
6.Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all
believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. 
1 Timothy 4:12

Why “House of Moses?”
As all the future residents of HoM will be orphans, so was Moses given up by his
parents in the Bible.  Early on you see his mom placing him in the Nile River. 
Pharaoh’s daughter discovers Moses and eventually he is raised as Pharaoh's grandson.  As time
progressed he was led into the desert where God spoke to him in a “burning bush”
where He tells Moses “I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites
out of Egypt.” (Exodus 3:10) Through a time of struggle, preparation and obedience he did the very
thing God called him to.
As Moses was called and developed by God to lead His people out of bondage, we too
believe that each resident at the HoM will do the same for their fellow Haitians.  Through
the purposeful holistic development of each resident, in prayer and God’s grace, each
graduating resident, in obedience, will develop leaders within their life journey as a
follower of Christ.
HoM from entry to exit
12 residents are chosen from applicants to reside at the HoM.  The Board of Directors
alongside the house parents will help determine the 12 residents.  All residents must be
in high school.  Before entering, each resident must agree by signing the HoM
covenant. Upon entry, each resident begins developing their Individual Holistic
Development Plan (IHDP) alongside the HoM house parents.  New residents will enter
HoM at the beginning of August if there is a spot available.  Each resident at the HoM
will be developed holistically (spiritually, emotionally, physically, cognitively) as a leader for reentry into their culture.  Each resident will no longer be labeled an orphan but part
of a family.  As a family member, each resident will be responsible for daily chores and
responsibilities around the house.  By December of the resident’s senior year they will
have applied to colleges (if applicable), have an apprenticeship, or be in pursuit of a
small business loan.  Upon graduation, each resident must move from HoM by the end
of August.
House of Moses’ Goals for each resident
- Each resident will be discipled and will disciple others.
- Each resident will attend school and achieve success based upon their abilities.
- Each resident will be involved in development of community.
- Each resident will have their own Individual Holistic Development Plan (IHDP).
- Each resident will graduate from High School.
- Each resident, upon reentry, will attend college, have a job, begin an apprenticeship,
or start their own business.

The House of Moses’ Promise to each resident:
- Each resident will be loved and cared for unconditionally.
- Each resident will have access to food, clothes, school supplies, and other necessary
- Each resident will be aided in the pursuit of their IHDP goals.
- Each resident will have the opportunity to be developed as a leader.

House of Moses’ Short Term Goals
1. Acquire a Texas Corporation License.  Completed! 7/2012
2. Acquire a 501c3 nonprofit status           In progress!
3. To be  under a current Haiti Organization for the purpose of:
- Receiving funds from donors
- Receiving shipments from the states        Meeting w/Crossworld 9/27/2012
4. Solidify a Board of Directors, including one Haitian national   
Almost:  President: Steve Green
Vice-President: Ennis Brooks
Treasurer: Doug Shelton
Secretary: Rodney Payne
Pastor:  Brad Patterson
Member: Debby Payne
Member: Clint Warren
5. Each HoM resident will have total sponsorship of $100 month.  
6.HoM will run on 100% Solar Power
7. Acquire minimal transportation; i.e. four wheeler, moto, etc.     Completed 9/2012!
8. Acquire $10,000 seed money for House of Moses.
9. Basic budget is met.              Completed!  9/2012
10. Employment of 2 part time employees and 2 full time employee. completed  7/2012
11. Haitian Nationals to oversee HoM while we are in the states.     Johnny! Completed 7/2012
12. Development of a website by July 1st                 -Completed  7/2012 Thank you Mike&John

House of Moses’ Long Term Goals
-Each HoM resident will have a passport.             One completed...1 in progress
-Each HoM resident will have a computer.            One Completed!
-Employment of 3 part time and 1 full time employee.    Done 10/2012
-A larger vehicle to transport HoM residents. (July 2014)
-A second HoM in Haiti with house parents that are Haitian Nationals. ( Sept. 2015)
-HoM will partner with local farmer in providing fruits and vegetables for HoM.
-Purchase of own land and build multiple HoM on the same lot.  In this HoM will farm
own fruit/vegetables and raise their own livestock to eat.