Wednesday, January 4, 2012

3 things I have learned already...


We are finally at NWHCM and we are in our house.  You all should come over some time, we would love to show you around!  :)

Let's jump right in...3 things I have learned or have been reconfirmed in the last 36 hours:

1.  God's Scripture is so powerful..."sharper than any double edge sword"  The word is a so revealing of who we are but more importantly who Christ is!  The Word brings freedom, conviction, peace, etc.  We are resonating  to the words that Jesus stated that "man does not live by bread alone but every word that comes from the mouth of GOD.!

2.  Satan is real.  He is actively engaged in the destruction/distraction of what is going on.  But oh the power of knowing that "He that lives in us is greater than He that is in the world."  

3.  We live among radicals.  
This mornings after our 6:30 am meeting with the family here at NWHCM, I was able to spend some time with a radical named Courtney Pierce.  Courtney's act of obedience to Christ at NWHCM, in her own words is to; 
"I oversee a facility set up for all those who have limitations living in the Northwest zone of Haiti. We currecntly have a disability residential care (Miriam Home), a residential care set up for those who are terminally ill and or just fragile (Rou's Corner), an Outreach Program for families with special needs kids (For Jonathan Sake Outreach), Special Education Program (Luke 2:52 School) and a Deaf School and Outreach (Prince of Peace Deaf Ministry)

We are so blessed to be walking among followers like Courtney here at NWHCM.  Here is a 25 year old that have forsaken all to find that which Jesus is in and in the midst of.  To hear her share her love for the the children here blow me away and I could not help but here the words of Jesus as she was sharing; 
"Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these."  

We miss you all and love you dearly, thank you for being part of the journey


  1. I miss y'all so much! I can't wait until I get back to Haiti

  2. I'm so excited about what God is doing!

  3. Praise the LORD, I lift you up in Prayer for health and strength to accomplish great this in His name!

  4. So Blessed to be able to follow this journey with you, Thank you for being such a bright witness for the rest of us.
