We believe pictures are worth a 1,000 words, so the pictures below capture who we are.
DAD, PJ (Pastor John) or for others just John
No reason to hide that my ADD creates an easily distracted follower of Jesus. It may be difficult for me to sit still for a long period of time, especially in meetings, but on the other hand God has allowed me to see things a little different.
I am in love with Jesus. He truly transformed my life and His continued patience with me creates a greater love for Him each day. I truly am in love with my beautiful wife...we are more than just "husband and wife" but best friends too. I believe my kids are the coolest kids in the world, which makes up for me. On my downtime you will find me reading, playing basketball, and beginning when we travel back home to Haiti...FISHING!
MOM or for others Christi
You cannot be around Christi for too long without seeing her intense passion for justice and the worship of her Jesus. Her story is a true depiction of how God can take a mess and make a message. Born to a teenage mom to being adopted out a few days after birth, Christi's life expresses a gratefulness to her Jesus.
Music is a deep part of expression for me. I love to sing. I also love diversity, culture and creation. Mountain moving faith is more than a Christian coin phrase. Faith has shattered through darkness and brokenness to bring healing and light to my life. My husband is an amazing partner who challenges us to live in obedience and righteousness daily. I know who I would be outside of the redemptive power of Jesus and everyday that I rise I am in awe of two things: God has blessed me with such amazing children to treasure and leave a legacy of love AND that everyday is His! Apart from Him I am nothing...what a gift to intimately seek His will through prayer. Christi has completed her Master in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and joined The Gathering Place in Stephenville, Texas.
She and John are practicing together, him as Pastoral Care Counselor with Espwa Counseling www.espwacounseling.com
Brining hope and healing to others through Prayer, Praise and Mental Health Counseling/guidance is their calling!
Christi Barnes MA, CMHC LPC-A
Terah aka TK (age 16...now 21)
One of the most frequent questions we get about our TK is, "How old is she again?" Although 16, she acts much older and has deep convictions that run beyond her years. Being raised as a Pastor's daughter she was challenged to own her faith at an early age, in which she has. She loves reading, watching movies, walking around Saint Louis with her dad, and hanging out with her family. Her passion in serving Christ glows when she has the opportunity to work with younger kids. Our daughter challenges us each day in our own journey with Christ, and as a Senior; we enter the faith journey that we have with so many of our Haitian children as she too, goes off to college!

Ava aka AVA GRACE (age 10...Now 15!)
We adopted Ava after from Haiti eight days after the earthquake. We truly feel that we have a miracle walking around our house each day with her unique story.
Ava has thrived as she has entered her freshman year. She is navigating faith and confidence in her identity in Christ like most teenage Christians but her servant heart shines through any doubt or insecurity the world packs on. She is a warrior and our shining light!
Jordan is our youngest by 5 weeks. He loves playing with all his trains and toys. He also loves looking at books and enjoys when someone reads to him. Jordan is very full of compassion and loves to love and be loved. As you can tell from the picture, he enjoys being around the water as well.
We adopted Jordan when he was 7 days old from Tupelo, Mississippi.
To know Jordan is to know love. This guy has the biggest heart. He LOVES sports and Christian Rap music. He has entered Highschool with full force and we are so proud of the young man he is! He seeks to use his talents for glory of God and looks for every opportunity to do so!
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