Thursday, December 27, 2012


As I awoke at 4 am this morning to send Christi, Jordan, TK, and Vanah to America, floods of emotions rushed over me...

Has it really been one year since we said hello to the obedience God had for us in Haiti?

Has it really been one year, when we said our gut-wrenching goodbyes to friends and family?

Has it really been one year since we boarded a plane to our physical destination?

The last year has brought so many ups and downs.  We have had to say hello and goodbye to some very dear friends in Haiti.  For a moment in February I thought that I was going to see my wife pass on directly in front of my eyes.   We experienced some miracles in medical bills being paid for and a village of encouragers come alongside us.

There is so much to process when I think about the last year.  So instead of boring you with stories that I think are important and powerful only for you to think, "Why is he telling me this?"I will share what we have learned through the beauty of our Jesus on this journey we stepped out on one year ago today.

1.  God is sovereign (in control).
-  I tend to hold things tightly and to worry about stuff that are out of my control.  In the last year through physical and spiritual sickness, God has shown me that HE is powerfully in control.

2.  God answers prayers either way!
-  By saying either way, I mean HIS WILL be done.  Some of the prayers I offered desperately before Him turned out to be exactly opposite of my request.  Only for me to find out that in His answer was His perfect will.

3.  God is intimate.
-  To often we share the GREATNESS of GOD in the big things, but leave out how intimate HE is in love with us.

4.  Obedience brings blessing.
-  Through the sickness, goodbyes, trials, etc. we have seen a huge pour out of blessings.  If I had to pin it down to ONE, it is my TK and her ability to walk intimately with Christ through the Holy Spirit.  Decisions you make today do affect those that are following you.

5.  I am so deeply in love with my wife!
-  Christi amazes me.  She is truly favor from God on my life.  Her love and joy overwhelms those she comes in contact with.  I cannot imagine walking this journey with out her.

So as we walk into the new year as a family we give THANKS to GOD for the past year.

Would I change anything?

That is a loaded question, but my response is this...

If changing hurts, pains, etc. from the last year would remove even the slightest variance of where we are today, then I would say NO, I would change nothing!  


Check out one of the coolest stories that we have been able to be a part of at

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Refusing to stand is sitting with them

Cries of a little girl filled the rooms of the House of Moses.  The cries came from an 8 year old out in the street in front of our house.  I ran to see what the intense cries were about and I saw a mom with a switch beating her little girl.

Inside, my heart began to race and as quickly I ran down the stairs out in the street and stood between the girl and her mom.  A few minutes of talking revealed that the reason for the beating was because the mom

"didnt have money to send to school with the little girl." 

So out of anger, she beats her little girl with a group of people standing and watching.  

Poverty is ugly, but so is tolerating injustices.  I am no saint which many who will read this can attest to, but we have to stop the violence.  We have to stand up for those that have no voice.  If we do not, we are as worse as the ones doing the beatings.

Standing up is important but educating is just as important.  

Be a voice.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

In agreeing to the manger He accepted the cross.

In a just a few days we are going to celebrate the birth of Christ.

At  Christmas time we tend to look at the birth of Jesus through our own eyes, but what if we take the perspective of what this "coming" to earth meant to Jesus.  Have you ever thought about this...

Paul in Philippians 2 gives us insight into this perspective of Jesus:

6Though he was God,
    he did not think of equality with God
    as something to cling to.
7 Instead, he gave up his divine privileges
    he took the humble position of a slave
    and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form,
8     he humbled himself in obedience to God
    and died a criminal’s death on a cross.
                                                   -Philippians 2 

As we all journey the upcoming weeks of celebrating the birth of Christ, let us remember to reflect upon the great reason for His birth.

In agreeing to the manager He accepted the cross.

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.  2 Corinthians 5:21

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Choices we make dictate the Life we live!

This past week in Haiti has been one that we could have had any given week in the U.S. over the past few decades in youth ministry.  Seeing devastating consequences of choices -
We can say that it has been heart breaking...
The week started with our first of the month family meeting.  We rejoiced as Vanah shared about her experience at the embassy with her student visa but also the realization of the seriousness life here needs, the confidence that only Christ can give and the purposeful moving forward in respect, honor and integrity but mostly the awareness of the blessings God has given us as a family in Haiti.
We looked at the cost of obedience, as well as the blessing and the HoM students were challenged to live a life worthy of the call.  To do their best as working unto the Lord AND that we all have CHOICES and the choices we make dictate the life we live.
 (Col.3:25) helped sum up the time of challenge as we reminded them that kingdom goals of leadership and discipleship are the focus for their hearts and lives in this home.
It was the end of their first trimester exams, and they all worked and studied hard hoping to find great success on their exams.  
     Then, one of our students earned his third strike in six months, which means they choose to relinquish their position in the leadership ministry.  This was emotionally hard for us as a family but it has revealed so much to us all.  We are walking with him as he transitions into his culture for the first time and we are still claiming victory for this young man as a leader in this culture through prayer and support.
     We lifted up friends in the U.S. who also struggled with choices and consequences this week.  It was once again painfully obvious that our choices don't only affect us but the ones that love us the most and our closest to us.  On the other hand, we have seen that what Satan means for harm, God can use for good.  (Rom.8:28)  As we pray for our friends in the states enduring things with their children, we have seen our other children grow stronger and our family's faith support one another in hard times.

     God has also encouraged us through choices of obedience in many other ways:
- We FINALLY got the bunk bed we ordered months ago for our students and now we have one of the two beds we needed fixed complete!  (It's the little victories in Haiti - LOL!)
-We got to see our friend Bruce and he helped us begin the process of our battery/inverter system for more electricity...(eventually)
-We went to Sonlight and got to visit with our sweet friends there and be encouraged by their education ministry!  It was refreshing to see kingdom excellence being lived out in Haiti!
-We got to see our employees and their children, friends (Niason), siblings of our students and our own students persevere through colds, allergies and sickness this week as God healed them!
- Thursday night Bible study was a packed house!!!  Students continue to invite friends, neighbors come and we grow as a community and Acts 2 church as we dig into God's Word!
-The HoM family officially has a "home" church that we have committed to and are excited to dive deep in as we serve!

Closing the week, Ognot attended the Saturday morning Sunrise club in our village that we do some English, education and teen advice with.  Dr. Tony (wonderful Haitian doctor) was there teaching about STD's and good sexual CHOICES which is abstinence.  Then, we did English and talked about faith and the unjust and just choices of the foundation of Haiti and choices of the foundation of America.  It was refreshing and entertaining as Ognot came home shaking his head in pleasure as he realized that they aren't the only ones we "preach" too!  I closed with a quote from my Mom, "It's okay to shoot for the stars and miss but it's not okay to aim for nothing and make it!"

John and I got a date for the first time in 2 1/2 months!  It was awesome! We soaked in the time basking in where God has brought us from and the complete unity he confirmed in us this week as an answer to prayer as to where we are going-continuing to believe God for great things as the gospel goes forth changing lives.  We are totally committed to the lives God has entrusted in the ministry of HoM.  We love what God is doing in our life and in Haiti all around us...

Our final blow and close of the week was to find out that one of the "brothers" of our students that came from the orphanage they grew up in got arrested.  Today was sobering as we traveled to the jail as a family to pray with and encourage him.  The vision of the tears streaming down this very young man's face as he waits for trial before the strong possibility of going to PdP Prison will be etched in my heart and mind for a while and I know that I'm not the only one.  I think as the HoM family prepares for our Sunday night Praise and Prayer service we are thankful for God's blessings and aware of the costs if we take our eyes off of Him.
To him be the glory as we daily seek his strength in every. single. choice.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Justice seekers, think holistically

It was finally the day that Johnny and I both had time to go and visit his aunt.  It was a great time with his family until we headed down the mountain...

As we reached the main road we turned left and it happened...

I looked up and saw a little girl (age 4) get hit by a motorcycle as she was crossing the street. Her body resembled a baby doll being thrown into the air.  The little girl got up and stumbled toward her mom and then the mob started to form.

In Haiti, everyone gets involved when something like this occurs. 

We did not have time to work through the details of what happened, we needed to get the girl medical care.  Johnny picked up the girl and holding her head to stop the bleeding he jumped on a moto and headed toward our home. The mom got on my motorcycle and we followed.

Once we got to the house, Christi did an amazing job caring for the little girl by searching for all the wounds and bandaging her head.  We had a doctor friend on call in case he needed to come to the house.  After about 15 minutes it appeared that all the wounds were superficial and she was going to be okay.  

Stepping away from the little girl, I asked Johnny where the moto driver was that hit her and he looked at me and said, "John he is standing right there." As I looked at him, he faced showed concern for the girl.

Knowing that village justice occurs even in when things happen accidentally, Johnny felt it was good for us to take the mom and the little girl back to their house and speak to the "gathering crowd."  

As we pulled up the "crowd" was much larger and was still arguing over the accident.  We pulled up and began to speak to large group telling them that the little girl was going to be okay and reassuring them that this was an accident.  

As soon as Johnny began to speak the crowd quietened down and begin to disperse back to their homes.

I share this story in hopes that we all remember when things happen to us or others unintentionally we are called to quickly forgive and make all things crooked, straight again.  

After all, are we not all ambassadors of reconciliation?


Friday, November 16, 2012

What fills you?

Last week one of our students said, "I just can't be happy.  I said, What?  He said, I just can't get happy."
Today, someone I love with all my heart knows how, through actions and attitude proclaimed the same truth.

All of this seems like perfect timing because yesterday during mentorship Bible Study, we talked about fulfillment.

In discipleship time with Terah I was able to share with her these truths and thoughts.
*Salvation does not equal Satisfaction
Inviting him in by faith, given as a gift from Him is not the same thing as being Satisfied by Him.

We receive Salvation by grace but we have to seek the other

We looked at the story of the Samaritan Women at the Well in John 4

We looked at her ultimate thirsts and the things she had tried to fill them obviously wasn't satisfying her needs; and Jesus said He would.  We looked at how she replied that he didn't have a bucket for water - but that's because SHE was the bucket.  We are Christ's bucket...he wants to fill us and fulfill us (abundant life).  Complete us in him...Satisfy as we seek Him.

We closed with two more observations about that passage.
1. She went away excited that she had met a man that knew EVERYTHING about her.  Well, when your a lady that has been married 5 times then you probably wouldn't be too excited about someone knowing all your baggage (if you know what I mean!)
BUT when Jesus uncovers and reveals our junk, it's for excuse (forgive) and diffuse (The destructive bombs in our life)
Most of the time when man attempts to do the very same thing it's to accuse (judgement) and Satan is the great accuser-right?!

2.  At the beginning of the passage Jesus went to that well tired and needing a drink.  The disciples were even out getting food during this time.  After fulfilling the will of His Father in obedience during his time with this Samaritan women, we see at the end of the passage -John 4:31-33 that Jesus isn't even hungry anymore - it's like he's energized by the outpour of truth and love.
The very thought that not only does Christ fill our emptiness when we will seek streams of living water but that WE fill him when we respond to him in transformation, repentance,etc is totally amazing to me.

So, today Lord, I need you
I seek you and I pray for Holy energy...
You alone our God and may HoM, us, Haiti be satisfied by you...Revival!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Terah's Vision

When God was calling us to serve full time in Haiti, there were many convictions from HIS Scriptures...something huge was the COST of obedience and the COST of DISOBEDIENCE and the affect our decision has on the ones (our children) who come after us.  

With that said, although I know God is using us as we are in Haiti, NO DOUBT for HIS GLORY, HE is moving in the heart of Terah as well

 Praise God for her listening heart and ears...

The following is the vision HE is giving her:*
*She does not know I am sharing this!!

Head, Heart, and Hands for His Glory  
 This school would be about not only providing knowledge for the head, but also biblical and skillful teaching. During the time they were at school they would learn useful skills like, how to keep a house, cooking, and gardening. There would also be teaching provided for the heart and for the head. They would learn biblical stories and memorize scripture, but mostly learn to trust our creator. There would be around twelve kids to start with. I would like six older kids and six younger kids. They would have different responsibilities such as, watering plants, doing homework, and memorizing scriptures. This school would teach them their education and prepare them for when they are grown.

Thank you JESUS for the way you speak to ALL ages! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Missing my Grandfather

This morning we started singing "I will sing of my redeemer."

After a few words into the song, tears were streaming down my face.  Tears of joy and sadness wrapped in memories that I hold very dear to my heart and very vivid in my mind.

You see, this was a song my Grandfather led many times.  Many times we would sing it with him as he led it from the front as Music Director.

As we were sining this morning, I closed my eyes and saw him from the past.  Holing the"red book" with one hand and his other arm extended leading the congregation.

I miss those hands.  I miss holding those hands.  They brought deep comfort to my life.  They were hands that had seen much life, but still were so gentle to me.

As the song continued, all I wanted to do was touch those hands once more.  To be able to rub the large fingernail.

But for now, I wait!

I love you Papa and miss you very much!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Approaching ONE Year in Haiti

Galatians 5:1 "For Freedom Christ set us Free.  No longer be entangled in a yoke of bondage.   

 Today, All Saints Day or in Haiti the day of the dead is my regular Thursday meeting Bible Study time with my mentor in the village of LaPointe.  I go with our dear Haitian brother Kessey on a moto through tons of mud (it rained all night last night) passing so many things, lives, people who all have a story.  Who all, like myself need the daily reminder that Christ sets captives free, binds up wounds that no one else can see and leads us by Truth & the power of HIS grace, mercy and love.  (Isaiah 61:1, Isaish 64:4, and Isaiah 43:10 -Ya, I've been in Isaiah alot lately.)
     When I get to Ms. Gail's house, as usual she asks, "How has your week been?" I honestly tell her I'm tired.  Jordan didn't sleep well last night, we've been battling ants, mosquitos, waterbugs and who knows what else because of all the rain, standing water and mud, we have no running water because and we have replaced all the parts needed that should have fixed the problem to get water to pump from the resevior to the cistern, it was a long few days of bank business early in the week, we had some... She says, slowly and reminising-"The first year in Haiti was the very hardest.  If I had my choice I would have left and never came back but Crossworld doesn't allow you to leave the first year.  You have the highest highs and the lowest lows.  You're learning a new culture, language, country; it's exhausting.  Not to mention the illnesses..."

    The encouragement felt reassuring but deeper still we talked through the fact that we undoubtedly are called.  We KNOW this is where we are suppose to be and through it all we've learned to trust in Jesus and to depend upon His Word.  This led to the fact that those with a relationship with Christ have already won the victory and though some days feel like a success or failure that is not true at all.  It's no longer about success or failure because we have been faithful and obedient to live out this faith journey in Haiti and the House of Moses now it's about disobedience or obedience - EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

An attitude.  A choice. Satan tries to stir up what our redeemer wants to strip off so walking in peace brings unparalleled protection, power and passion because of dependance on Christ alone.  Praise God for prayer  - Eph. 6:10-18
 And oh, the supernatural, unexplainable, even unreasonable love that overcomes fear and obstacles that HE alone has given us for the beautiful Haitian people. 

As YEAR ONE in Haiti continues to wrap up + Refining by fire =  Without exception, prayerful lives are powerful lives!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A day in Haiti

Good morning from Port Au Prince.  Currently we are sitting in a guesthouse resting in HIM from our day yesterday.  When you read this, do not read with the thought that this day was a burdensome day for us.  In many ways it was a new experience that brought much JOY in the current journey we are on with Christ.

Our Day:  October 19th, 2012

4:30 am     It was time to rise and shine for Clint, Christi, Jordan and myself to head to PAP.
5:00 am     Leave Saint Louis du Nord
10:15 am   Arrive in the vicinity of PAP

When arriving in PAP we had to meet a friend that would help us attain the final detail to complete our Visas.  After fighting traffic for one hour we met our friend.  

We then arrived at a local clinic where we received a paper providing the medical clearance we needed to complete the Visa.  Waiting for about one hour we finally saw the doctor in which she checked to see if we had a heartbeat and then signed a paper.  NOTE:  Always good to know you have a heartbeat :)

It was now 12:45 pm and we needed to get to the Haiti Embassy quickly due to the fact it closes at 2 pm on Fridays.  Again we found ourselves in heavy traffic, but the help of our friend Alan we were able to make a few shortcuts through traffic.

Arriving at the embassy around 1:15 we quickly followed our friend to the second floor where we completed paperwork and had our fingerprints taken.  While sitting in this office I checked our email and found out that we received our 501c3 status for the House of Moses.  

We finished the paperwork as workers were leaving the office for the day.

With the VISAS behind us we now handed our friend 3 Iphones to take to a person that knew how to unlock them.  We should hear about these phones in the next day or so.

Getting back into the vehicle around 2:30 pm, we needed to run by MSC Trading, the equivalent of Home Depot.  Again we found ourselves in traffic in which placed us at MSC around 3:45 pm.  We had to quickly shop due to the fact that Alan had to get his clothes out of the cleaners by 4:30 pm to attend the funeral of one of his co-workers.  Needless to say the shopping to a bit to long and we were not able to get the clothes from the cleaners.

4:45 pm  We are finally headed toward our place of rest for the night at the guesthouse Ted and Kathy run.  We finally reached our destination of the house close to 5:30 pm.

Once at the house we had a great meal around 6 pm.

It was now 8 pm and we had a time in the Scriptures together.  We always love our time in the word together with Ted.  He is challenging and encouraging all at the same time.  We wrapped up the community close to 9:45 pm and it was time for bed.

When we walked into our room, we found Jordan out cold.  Christi and I decided to watch a movie together.  Within 5 minutes I heard Christi deeply breathing. a sign that she had fallen asleep.  I wanted to watch the rest of the movie but I believe I made a whopping 10 more minutes before I had fallen off to sleep.

This is our calling, this is our journey, this is our dream.  Walking in the obedience of HIS will for your life you find the beauty of HIS hand in all things.  We love our life!!!!

Monday, October 15, 2012

He is a huge God...ask HIM to do HUGE things!

Our desperation for Him Alone is one of the greatest gifts of our call to Haiti and journey of faith to live out the Kingdom of God daily.

A friend posted this tonight and it couldn't be more true as we cry out to God and ask that our friends and family plead the victorious blood Jesus out upon The House of Moses and each of the lives here as we seek our Mighty God for lives to be changed and souls to be saved; for a supernatural ability to abide in His Spirit and for Him to be a mighty rushing wind that moves mountains for His glory  - EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT. of EVERY. SINGLE. DAY

Bold prayers honor God

God honors bold prayers

God isn't offended by your biggest dreams or boldest prayers 

So ask God to part the Red Sea or make the sun stand still and God is moved to omnipotent action

Sunday, October 14, 2012

All in a day's rest...

By no means am I an expert in missions in Haiti, but something I learned very quickly is the importance  of pacing yourself.  Learning to rest and let down is very important.  

With that said I want to share my Saturday with you all:
I woke up to Ava kissing me on the cheek telling me how much she loved me.  (How can the day go wrong from there?)  After eating breakfast bagels, Jordan and I watched a movie and played trains.  After lunch TK and I headed to the local soccer field and played futbol with some of the neighborhood kids.
We came back to the house and played some basketball with a few neighbors.  After the basketball game, my friend Alan came over.  I always have a good talk with Alan.  He is the head national policeman in Haiti that gave his life to Christ a few days ago.  He is a regular visitor to our house in Saint Louis.  After dinner we made a few phone calls and headed off to bed.  

The end goal Jesus states is to store up for yourselves treasure in heaven where moth and rust will not destroy.  May our pace in life, reflect these words of Christ!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Introducing The House of Moses Interns!

So the month has flown by and we are about to head home to Haiti.  We are expecting God for great things this year...miracles, continued explosions of HIS love, blessings and will; the strength to follow, love fearlessly AND get the honor of hope and change in a lost and dying world through lives being changed and souls being saved for HIS glory!  We are completely humbled by the consuming love of our God in this time - He has opened the flood gates of Heaven...truly...and we continue to need the power of Prayer!

Now -

We want to introduce you to our Fall Interns!  These are incredible young adults seeking to serve the Kingdom in Haiti!  Please lift them and their family's up this year!

CLINT WARREN is a Texas Tech graduate who has incredible desire in Economics and sustainable business for Haitians...pray that God opens the doors for many awesome opportunities for him to get experiences that will reveal God's plan and purposes for him and his future!  May Haiti explode his heart and may he fall deeper in love with Jesus and diversity in cultures in a BIG world with an even BIGGER Mighty God!

ASHLIE PITCOCK  When I think about her persistence in keeping up with us over the last year; I am in awe of God's plan!  She is coming to serve the kingdom helping with the Barnes kiddos; balance in ministry is so important and she will be such a blessing to us as was Jessica Tank this Summer!  Our prayer is that she will blown away by God's work in her life and His presence as she soaks in all that God has in store for her in Haiti and among the Haitian people!  We pray His love for her is consuming!

We are so blessed...we wake up and lie down deeply aware of this.  Lord, be glorified and give us the strength to not only be a testimony and example but to pour out every ounce of life you've given us to shine with your love and living out the gospel.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Don't miss it because you are unwilling to be it...

Prayer is crazy stuff if you think about it!

Here we are talking to the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE, GOD.

Sharing our...

and lets be honest
our WANTS!

The Scriptures tell us that GOD is a
GOOD Father that knows how to
good gifts.

Truly and honestly how many of our prayers go unanswered for the SOLE REASON...

that WE fail to be the answer to our prayer.

For example think about it.  You are praying and you ask GOD
"GOD, help me be a better dad!"
Okay, great prayer, but hello and guess what...who is responsible for this.  God is like, okay I have given you everything you need to do it...NOW BE A GOOD DAD!  (Okay, He may not yell, but still you know what I mean)

As I prayed specifically this morning over a certain prayer over my
Daughter's life...
God was like,
"Okay, John gonna do it?  Are you going to do what I am asking you to do?  Will you be the answer?"

Wow, what a wake up call!

Don't miss it because you are NOT willing to be it!

In and through the love that Jesus gives and demonstrated!


Monday, August 20, 2012

Being a DAD

One of the greatest callings on PLANET EARTH is to be a DAD!  I love being  a DAD.  I guess it

helps that I have three of the coolest kids in the world as well.  While the three are all connected under 

the last name "Barnes", in many ways they are each so uniquely different!   I can hangout with all three

of them at different times of the day and do three totally different things.  Isn't diversity GREAT!  

As I was thinking about the DAD gig the other day, I was really humbled when I truly saw the 

enormous calling of my life.  I was going through a time in the WORD about leaving a LEGACY and 

what that means as a DAD and I had to take a step back to become very honest with GOD.  I mean 

I only get the time I have to leave a legacy with my kids that is CHRIST CENTERED!  Was I doing

it correctly?  What am I missing?  The enormity that each of my children will create their own depiction 

of JESUS based upon a large amount of time viewing how my relationship with Jesus is lived out!  

That is HUGE TO ME!  The heaviness that sank in to my heart in the realization that each WORD I 

SPEAK and ACTION I TAKE, makes a huge impact upon the way my children view JESUS. 

You can see the importance and the priority GOD placed upon this calling on the Israelites in

Deuteronomy 6;
“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.  (Deuteronomy 6:4-9 ESV)

Oh man, did this blow me away!  Even amidst their many religious traditions, God placed a heavy 

emphasis on parents not to compartmentalize their faith but to live it out 24/7.  To go way beyond 

just "doing the sacrifices" and "journeying to the temple", but live an active transparent faith all day 

every day!   

Eternity is a long time and the time my children is very short!

God, may my life be a picture of your love, forgiveness, patience, discipline, mercy, etc.

Fathers, don't exasperate your children by coming down hard on them. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master.  Ephesians 6:4

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Learning Curves

The last month at the House of Moses has brought on many things.  We all have been on a great "learning curve" along the way.  Here are a few things I have learned over the last month:
  • Experienced plumbers in Haiti are worth their weight in GOLD
  • There is a difference between sumberagble water pumps and nonsubmeragable water pumps 
  • 240 Amps wired incorrectly is costly to your Ryobi chargers 
  • 19 people can go through alot of water very quickly 
  • Water is LIFE in Haiti!
  • Porches are great for sleeping when it is hot outside.
  • There are difference between electrical chords
  • Water filters are very important in Haiti! 
Along with the learning curve have come some great insight!
  • Acts 2:42 can exist today 
  • Biblical reconciliation works with brokenness and repentiece 
  • God is complete control of our everyday lives
  • Students rise to any challenge placed before them 
  • The beauty of my wife, inside and outside, amazes me! 
  • There are people dying each day, going to hell, as we sit back and watch.
  • It is important for us, through our words and actions “taste and see the LORD is good”, not just sit and talk about Him as if we know Him.
  • Faith is action iniated and susatained by God...all we do is surrender 
And finally to not to make this too long...
“Greater is He that is in US, than he that is in the world!”
For His glory alone!  

Thursday, July 12, 2012

God sets eternity in the Hearts of Men

God's Word says, if I be lifted up - I will draw all men unto myself.  I find comfort in Jesus being the only one who can save.  Good friend's of ours who have devoted their life to serving Jesus in Haiti often remind us that the only true difference we make in Haiti, the World or in life is leaving a legacy of the only thing that doesn't return void...the gospel - God's Word! They get passionate about feeding people temporal food and then talk about having people fat and in Hell versus skinny but in Heaven.  Just wanting to keep the main thing...the main thing.  Well, tonight we saw the kingdom of God in our meek living room.

Today was another great day of ministry:
-Water delivered to the jail
-A kid's hurt foot taken care of
-Reconciliation biblical meetings in our home
-Discipleship meetings
-Fellowship and prayer with a young adult couple pursuing God's will for their  lives

BUT THEN,  (don't you love those words)  I LOVE when the Bible says, BUT God  (so powerful) 
Everyday we pray that our home and family is an aroma of Christ, a testimony and example - Right now in that I hear the Word...If I be lifted up, I will draw...
Tonight during family Bible Study a young man named Maxion who has become family and comes in the evenings for devotion time, surrendered his life to Jesus!  His commitment to Christ through salvation got the other boys who come with him, Alince and Eddie talking about their salvation.  They know they are Christians but have never been baptized so they want to be obedient to follow Christ in baptism.  THANK you Lord that you are at work!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Oh Glorious Day!

I'm not like John...I can only "blog" when I am so filled that something has to spill out and hopefully that is fulfilling what the Word speaks of in Revelation when it says that Satan is defeated by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony.

Today is one of those days for me.  A day when life is so real and so right that in spite of anything and everything; the peace and joy of the Lord is totally consuming and you feel more alive in the moment you lay your head down and thank God that you are who he created you to be and doing what he's created you to do...THEN, you grab a computer and share it because just as in Acts 4:20 "you can not stop speaking about what you have seen and heard."

This was our day.  I woke up to my baby boy Jordan wanting a cartoon, went and found a computer that still had "charge" from the night before and our average four hours of electricity and put on a cartoon.  Then, I headed down to the kitchen to begin preparing breakfast for our family (of 19-us, 15 children, our brother and interpreter Johnny, Jessica our nanny).  When finished with breakfast we had family morning devotions which were incredible as Jocelyn (one of our students that wants to be a pastor) led the worship and prayer!  John brought an awesome Word out of Philipians and then John and I headed up for our daily meeting and prayer time.  We were wrapping up when Terah came in and said, "a team is here."  So, I headed down and gave a tour of The House of Moses to a great group of youth that was led by Hickory (a previous Summer intern from NWHCM).  We had an awesome time of prayer and they headed to the mission for lunch.  While on the tour they got to see our kids doing their responsibilities and chores (even Terah who was doing laundry and yes, our laundry is by hand as we don't have enough electricity to run a wash machine).  John has to leave for his discipleship meeting with Johnny, and Jocelyn leaves to pursue some legal registration of his birth certificate in Port au Paix AND lead prayer and devotion at the prison for Magdalla who couldn't make it today.  *Side note: His brother is in the prison and he came home BEAMING because he got to have time with him and be a testimony and example to his brother and the other prisoners!  
     By this time our beautiful sister and cook had arrived to prepare lunch, also a "brother" of our kids from Salines Mayette orphanage arrived to visit.  We told the kids that their friends and family couldn't come until after their end of year exams.  They finished yesterday-LOL!  They didn't waste any time.  So, we have an extra son for a bit and I pray that his time her is absolutely a hug from Jesus!  As I was sharing with the group and introducing our leaders in the home; I look over to see a few of our kids heading John's challenge from the previous night's devotion to reach out to the neighbors and invest in the lives around them and before them daily.  My heart smiled.

We put on some worship music throughout our home and it's "Le pou priye pou manje."  Time to pray for lunch.  We pray together - we eat together.

     Then, I head to the mission to take care of TONS of U.S. business and HoM accounting that I need to get done...which I worked hard and got a lot done but lost electricity before I could finish! ;-(  As I'm walking the kids along the way no longer call me Blanc, they call me Madam Paste John or Madam Christi and I LOVE this because we own a relationship with one another.  At the mission I also get to visit with many friends and loved ones that we miss and pray for, have a great conversation about how what we believe is not what we say but what we do as we listen to dear interns so we know how to partner in prayer for them and tell some Americans short term missions teams bye as they head back to the States- then we head home.  On the way home we come across our kids teacher grading their final Biology exam.  I greet the teacher and get to see and bring home their grades!!!  It was an honor hear that they are a joy to have in class, always respectful and all great students (I knew this already but it was great to hear!)  For the most part, they all did good BUT Fedner Severe got the highest score in the class 18/20!  

     When I get home, John is on the porch playing cards with the kids and we laugh as a family.  John leaves for a meeting at NWHCM and Michlaie and Elaie from La Baie come over to the house!  Woo Hoo- they help us put up our new basketball goal as a family (which was VERY exciting!) and then we sit back and enjoy the 3 on 3 games going on at the House of Moses.  John comes home and joins in awing at the new court and then another haitian friend Sarimone stops by for a visit.  Mislene and I make Chocolate Chip Cookies.  Dinner is a wonderful time of sharing and community as a family and then I was blessed to see Jessica serving Johnny to help with dishes (which is no small task in this household).  A bit later, a German doctor friend from the community who works for an Austrian NGO comes to visit.  He is leaving Haiti and wants to know if we are going to buy his inverter and batteries for the house.  We tell him we don't have the funds right now though we need them and would love to and he stays to tour the house and visit.  He is an unbeliever and he stays for evening worship and devotionals!  We always have a house full during this time and it was sweet.  Even with our brothers from LaBaie there was lots of food left over after dinner and there are too many hungry mouths in Haiti to waste good food.  So, we walk down the road to one of our sisters houses and ask if they would like the food.  It's the end of the month and she doesn't get paid until the first of the month.  She, her elderly mother and her daughter's walk with us to the house and get the food.  She says that he babies were crying right before because they were hungry and Jesus answered her prayers.  We pray together and the family leaves blessed.  Even our sons were filled as they said, "That was really good mom."  I watched them walk down the dark road and said yes, it's incredible that when we were making food tonight God knew it was for their family too and he provided."  I was filled by this thought of the love of the Father and then from the upstairs porch Jordan and Ava yell, "Mommy, Come sing to us."  I go up where they are sleeping on a palet under a mosquito net because it's cooler on the porch than it is in the house and sing with them.  They are so filled as they giggle and love their "tent."  They go to sleep and John and I bask in the day.

  I walk through the house to get beds ready for Michlaie, Elaie and T-Fran (our new temporary kid) for the night and their is peaceful fellowship going on throughout the house from kids talking on the porch to neighborhood friends, girls watching a movie on the computer, boys playing futbol games and a crowd watching the fun... Wow, thank you Lord.  My husband is working on the computer and stops to tell me about a sermon he listened to last night from Frances Chan. He said his wife was talking about a mission trip he was going on to China for three months and how so many people were commenting about what a sacrifice it was and about how they lived.  Her response was that I was reading in Acts and there is nothing wonderful about how we live, in fact this is just what following Jesus looks like.  He lovingly says to me, there is nothing special about us or our life-we just read the Bible and follow.  I am so in love with this man.
    I join Terah and the girls to watch another movie.  The generator goes off, I still need a bath but I have no words to tell how blessed, alive, and a part of God's kingdom I feel.  Gonna go now because I have a beautiful house of 21 lives that Jesus has provided food for me to prepare for them in the morning.  When, if it's His will, the Sun will rise and declare his glory...and His mercies will be made new.  Thank you Jesus. Mesi Jezi.    Bon Nwit (Good night!)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The House of Moses...Living in Obedience

Obedience is costly, but oh so rewarding and fulfilling.  

Even if I had the words they would not do it, to post a thousand pictures would only give you a imperfect view of the House of Moses.  What we are able to experience on a day to day basis is something that is raw and unexplainable.  To have twelve students living with your family; eating together, praying together, serving together, playing something that I believe God intended.  For followers to open up our homes and share in the joy that the Creator of the Universe has given us through the gift of our salvation, Scriptures, and the fellowship of the Spirit.  To walk alongside other brothers and sisters in the word and in relation.  To be able to share in the celebrations and defeats, to rejoice in the winnings and mourn in the losses.  

We are not a machine, we are an organism.  A living breathing organism orchestrated through the headship of Jesus Christ, working and serving alongside one another for His glory.  Being a light house in the darkness of the world. Sharing a Christ that exposes the darkness but does it with much grace and mercy.  

Our journey is called the House of Moses!  What is the journey God is calling you to?  
Surrender to His obedience, live in His power, express His joy to a joyless world seeking something greater than the demise of their own pain.  

Live beyond yourself.  

Thank you for walking with us in this call to obedience in our own lives.  Please share how we may pray with you and what God is calling you to!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

New Faith Journey for the Barnes Family...

House of Moses
Mission Statement
The House of Moses exists to develop High School orphans holistically as
leaders for a purposeful reentry into their culture.
A leader is someone who influences a group of people toward the achievement of
their goals.
Holistic development includes:
- Spiritual development
- Emotional development
- Physical Development
- Cognitive Development
Spiritual Development is achieved through weekly discipleship, accountability, and
attending church together as a family.
Emotional Development is achieved through purposeful interaction, house parents
being tuned into feelings, modeling of healthy interpersonal interactions by the house
parents, and teaching students to deal with success, defeat and conflict in a healthy
Physical Development is achieved through the provision and modeling of personal
hygiene, access to clean water, weekly exercise, and nutritionally balanced meals.
Cognitive Development is achieved in attending school, tutors, learning English, reading
books, and teaching and modeling of problem solving skills.
Core Scriptures driving House of Moses:
1. Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.  Luke
2.Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the
commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the
end of the age.”  Matthew 28: 19-20
3.Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. 
Proverbs 22:6
4.Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans
and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27
5.Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” 
Matthew 22:37,39
6.Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all
believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. 
1 Timothy 4:12

Why “House of Moses?”
As all the future residents of HoM will be orphans, so was Moses given up by his
parents in the Bible.  Early on you see his mom placing him in the Nile River. 
Pharaoh’s daughter discovers Moses and eventually he is raised as Pharaoh's grandson.  As time
progressed he was led into the desert where God spoke to him in a “burning bush”
where He tells Moses “I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites
out of Egypt.” (Exodus 3:10) Through a time of struggle, preparation and obedience he did the very
thing God called him to.
As Moses was called and developed by God to lead His people out of bondage, we too
believe that each resident at the HoM will do the same for their fellow Haitians.  Through
the purposeful holistic development of each resident, in prayer and God’s grace, each
graduating resident, in obedience, will develop leaders within their life journey as a
follower of Christ.
HoM from entry to exit
12 residents are chosen from applicants to reside at the HoM.  The Board of Directors
alongside the house parents will help determine the 12 residents.  All residents must be
in high school.  Before entering, each resident must agree by signing the HoM
covenant. Upon entry, each resident begins developing their Individual Holistic
Development Plan (IHDP) alongside the HoM house parents.  New residents will enter
HoM at the beginning of August if there is a spot available.  Each resident at the HoM
will be developed holistically (spiritually, emotionally, physically, cognitively) as a leader for reentry into their culture.  Each resident will no longer be labeled an orphan but part
of a family.  As a family member, each resident will be responsible for daily chores and
responsibilities around the house.  By December of the resident’s senior year they will
have applied to colleges (if applicable), have an apprenticeship, or be in pursuit of a
small business loan.  Upon graduation, each resident must move from HoM by the end
of August.
House of Moses’ Goals for each resident
- Each resident will be discipled and will disciple others.
- Each resident will attend school and achieve success based upon their abilities.
- Each resident will be involved in development of community.
- Each resident will have their own Individual Holistic Development Plan (IHDP).
- Each resident will graduate from High School.
- Each resident, upon reentry, will attend college, have a job, begin an apprenticeship,
or start their own business.

The House of Moses’ Promise to each resident:
- Each resident will be loved and cared for unconditionally.
- Each resident will have access to food, clothes, school supplies, and other necessary
- Each resident will be aided in the pursuit of their IHDP goals.
- Each resident will have the opportunity to be developed as a leader.

House of Moses’ Short Term Goals
1. Acquire a Texas Corporation License.  Completed! 7/2012
2. Acquire a 501c3 nonprofit status           In progress!
3. To be  under a current Haiti Organization for the purpose of:
- Receiving funds from donors
- Receiving shipments from the states        Meeting w/Crossworld 9/27/2012
4. Solidify a Board of Directors, including one Haitian national   
Almost:  President: Steve Green
Vice-President: Ennis Brooks
Treasurer: Doug Shelton
Secretary: Rodney Payne
Pastor:  Brad Patterson
Member: Debby Payne
Member: Clint Warren
5. Each HoM resident will have total sponsorship of $100 month.  
6.HoM will run on 100% Solar Power
7. Acquire minimal transportation; i.e. four wheeler, moto, etc.     Completed 9/2012!
8. Acquire $10,000 seed money for House of Moses.
9. Basic budget is met.              Completed!  9/2012
10. Employment of 2 part time employees and 2 full time employee. completed  7/2012
11. Haitian Nationals to oversee HoM while we are in the states.     Johnny! Completed 7/2012
12. Development of a website by July 1st                 -Completed  7/2012 Thank you Mike&John

House of Moses’ Long Term Goals
-Each HoM resident will have a passport.             One completed...1 in progress
-Each HoM resident will have a computer.            One Completed!
-Employment of 3 part time and 1 full time employee.    Done 10/2012
-A larger vehicle to transport HoM residents. (July 2014)
-A second HoM in Haiti with house parents that are Haitian Nationals. ( Sept. 2015)
-HoM will partner with local farmer in providing fruits and vegetables for HoM.
-Purchase of own land and build multiple HoM on the same lot.  In this HoM will farm
own fruit/vegetables and raise their own livestock to eat.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Remembering what it is all about!

The church is more than a building.  We are called to do more than entertain, but more importantly “make disciples.”  In making disciples, they go out and make other disciples and then those disciples go out and make other disciples, etc.etc.  After all, that is how it all started over 2,000 years ago in a place called Jerusalem.  
My thoughts from above flow from a conversation that I had with a Haitian Pastor today.
A few weeks ago, I meta Pastor H.  He asked me if I could get information on “fasting” and if I had some time to meet with him.  Today was the day that we had planned to meet.  I handed him the information regarding “fasting” and then we jumped into our time together.
He asked me if I could help him with his church.  He said that he was forced to stop receiving support from a pastor in the states after the pastor had come to visit and seduced some of the girls within his congregation.  Through this Pastor H. lost financial support and half of his congregation.  He then looked at me and said, “Pastor, I need your help?”  
Seeing the deep pain in his eyes I had a greater understanding why he wanted to know more about fasting, I quickly began to ask God for the words to share with Pastor H.  I reassured him that the decision to separate from the support was the right decision  (1 Corinthians 5).  He was glad to know that he had done the right thing, but he was still left with fact that he longer had a building to meet in.  

There was a part of me that wished I had the money to hand him for a new church building or at least an alternative meeting place, but I didn’t have either.  As I was seeking more words of comfort for Pastor H., God sent me to Acts 2:42 - 45, reminding me the early church did not have a building to call their own.  Most actually met in homes.  God also reminded of the great call to discipleship.  Jesus reminded us to be his witness and to go and “make disciples of all nations, baptizing, and teaching others to obey everything.”  I encouraged Pastor H with these words.  As he was listening to me, his eyes brightened and a joy gleamed from his face.  
I pray that my time with Pastor H helps encourage you to continue to make disciples in your life.  Do not be so concerned with the buildings or the “Sundays”, sure they are important but if we lost them all tomorrow, what would we be left with?
Walking with people mono e mono, teaching them all the ways to follow Jesus in their lives...much like the early church in Acts!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sweet Moments over the last week!

I had a great Haiti Mother's Day!  ALL of our children did really special things to honor me and I was blessed.  My favorite part was that I wanted to do a family picture with our family and our 14 teenage orphans.  They were really excited and then one of them said so many of these kids have never had or been in a family photo and it means so much to was a beautiful day and experience with them.

Yesterday was my first day to attend the local women's group Bible study.  It was an honor when one of the local pastor's wife and our respected social worker on the mission asked me to join.  It was ALOT of creole but I was so impacted by the praise and prayer.  For two hours they sought God through his word, devotion, singing and prayer.  They prayed for the mission and missionaries.  It was beautiful and humbling to be among my sisters before our King as one.

Yesterday I had to confront one of our orphan teenage sons about his facebook profile picture. It had something like snoop dog with two girls with little clothing on.  The funny thing is that we just talked about purity in his highschool . He, like most was embarassed and did some blameshifting to friends and the fact that he didn't have a picture to put.  John helped him "own" his choice and then simply repent and share that it is a struggle for young men but at the end of it all, with a NEW facebook picture of himself, I said "When was the last time you got in trouble by a mom"  He said that he couldn't remember, probably when he was little.
Then he said, I'll take getting in trouble with accountability and a Dad and Mom who love me over not getting in trouble because I have nobody who cares enough and no family to love me.     Wow!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Seeing Jesus through a woman named Juma

Today was a very humbling day.  Jocelyn is a young man that God has allowed me to disciple.  He is 20 years old and lives at the mission.  Today after our time together he was excited to take me to see his sister Juma.  She lives about 10 minutes (by Moto) from the mission in Saint Louis.  As we arrived at her house I was treated like a King.  She offered me a chair while she stood, gave me a towel to wipe my face while sweat poured from her head.  As we moved outside of her house, she placed my chair in the shade while she stood in the beaming sun.  As we were talking through my broken Kreyol and Joceyln’s broken English, Juma leaves our conversation only to return with a large basin of water.  She then proceeds to wash my feet with soap and water.  I could not believe what was happening in front of me and it wasn’t until we were walking back with her to the main street that God really spoke to me through our time together.  
For the past few weeks it has been extremely wet here, almost raining every night.  With that said, this particular area of the village was extremely flooded.  I was very careful to try to step around all the mud puddles with my freshly washed feet, only to come to the realization that all I needed to do was watch where Juma was walking.  Instead of trying to keep up with Jocelyn and his fast pace, I moved to the back and began to watch the feet of Juma.  Each step she took I mirrored.  Quickly realizing that I was staying out of the mud.  Why?  Because she had walked this path before.  She knew exactly where to step to miss each puddle, she knew each hidden rock that lay just beneath the water that brought a solid surface for me to place my foot.   I learned so much on how to live Jesus today from a woman named Juma.  She taught me how to love, serve, and walk in the way in which Christ loved, served, and walked.
May we all realize each day we have a choice to live as Jessus.  As we follow His path, may others truly learn to follow Him by each step we take!  
“Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ!”   -  The Apostle Paul 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

We are HOME! (Our first day back)

Last night...
As we reenter the mission at Saint Louis we find a huge welcome home sign and many hugs and kisses (cultural thing).  The smiles that we were welcomed to, was so warming to our soul.

Sunday...our first full day back!
Today was so amazing! We started with a visit at the local church across the street from the mission!  It was great to see Pastor Alexa and Pastor Verti again.  To be able to worship for almost three hours was great!  

After lunch, I (John) ventured out of the gates of the mission to visit some of the teenagers I was working with before we had to abruptly leave.  Alince, Eddie, and I spent some time talking about the last couple of months with them making fun of my Kreyol and me making fun of their English.  These are two teenagers that are doing all they can to stay in school.  Christi and I are so very proud of them.  

After speaking with them for a while, before reentering the gate I met a new friend, Wilson.  Wilson is a 17 year old boy that is an amazing artist and is trying to do all he can to stay in school too.  He took me to his house to meet his mom and his step-father, which is a huge expression of love in this culture.  We had a good time hanging and talking about Jesus, (he is a devout follower).

Upon leaving Wilson and returning to the mission, Christi met me and told me I was late for my own party, oops the time thing in Haiti is just not that important.  All the teenage orphans came over to our house to hangout for a while.  We ate snacks and had koolaid, and they talk me to do some kind of new dance.  (SCARY)  Within this group of orphans we definitely have two young men that are called to the ministry, Kenken and Joceylyn.  I look forward to discipling them in the upcoming months.  All the teenagers were so excited to start up the bible study next Saturday at 3 pm.  Please join us in prayer for this bible study! 

Finally our day ended by our entire family walling to Wendy's home.  Wendy was a single woman that we met back in February.  She was 8+ months pregnant when we left her.  Since we have been gone she had her baby and we got word this morning that she was waiting on us to come back to, GET THIS, NAME HER BABY!  Oh my goodness, we were so humbled.  We were pumped to see that she had better living conditions is surrounded by love.  We named baby, Moses and prayed that he will become a mighty leader for his country as Moses did for the Israelites!  

Once again, praise GOD for each of you and to HIS name be glory alone! !

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Let Us SHOUT it OUT this Easter Week!

I want to challenge us all as followers of Christ ARISE and REMEMBER in what we have been saved from.  

"Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus."  Romans 6:11
"For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.  When Christ, who is your life, appears you will also appear with HIM in glory."  Colossians 3:3-4  

Do we really understand the enormity of this???

We need to.  We need to revisit our life before we met Christ, before Christ came in and totally freed us from the life of sin and shame that we once walked in.  We are about to enter the very reason we are able to shout of this freedom we have!  

EASTER...The Resurrection 

A very dark time that ends in a huge celebration.  A time when Jesus took on all of our sin and shame, taking on God's full wrath.  A very dark time in which He pleaded with HIS Father, "...if there be any other way let this cup pass from me!"  

But the cup didn't pass!  He was beaten, spat upon, nailed to a cross; suffering for our sake.  But it did not end there...

He did not stay in the grave.  He arose, yes Christ arose!  Death was defeated and satan was the one with the shame and scorn.  Jesus was alive.  And because of that we too, if we are in Christ, have the same power over death and hell!  


We must go and tell!  The world needs to hear about this Jesus!  There are many suffering in shame from the result of their sin and others sin!  Jesus never intended this!  He died for to set the sinner free.  

This week we must go and share this message with our co-workers, friends, enemies, family members, etc.  Do what it takes to share the Jesus that rescued you!  

Oh yeah, and if takes Easter Eggs then take them to an Easter Egg Hunt, but do not forget to speak of the Jesus that rescued you!   Jesus would be amidst the children today hiding and finding the eggs!!!!

David Crowder sums it up well in the following:

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Grudges lead only to...

I am blown away at the life of Joseph in Genesis 37-50.  Here is a guy that is almost killed by his own brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused of rape, wrongly thrown into prison, forgotten about in prison, etc.  These are the not so "highlights" of Joseph's journey.  All this stemming from his brothers selling him  into slavery.  

Joseph had many years to choose not to forgive, many silent moments that he had to build a huge grudge. Knowing how Satan accuses and wants to bring division this was for sure a constant battle not only in the physical suffrage but also the spiritual.

And when Joseph finally had the chance for revenge, to get even with his brothers, what exactly did he do?  Check it out:

“I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt!  And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.... But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. You shall live in the region of Goshen and be near me—you, your children and grandchildren, your flocks and herds, and all you have.  I will provide for you there,"
When we choose to forgive, grudges are destroyed.  Forgiveness allows us to live within the fullness of the life Christ has called us to.  It also allows us the power to love and serve those that hurt us.  Live in the freedom of forgiveness.  Ignore the words of the satan, the accuser.  He and others will tell you that you deserve to hold a grudge, that you are right, that you should not forgive!

But truly if we are to be followers of Christ, grudges and unforgiveness has no place in our journey.  Remember the words of our Jesus has he was dying upon "our cross"...

"Father forgive them for they know not what they do!"

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Do things ever turn out in way that you were not expecting?

As I am writing this I am sitting at my parent's house in the middle of Texas when our family was scheduled to be landing in Haiti today.  We had been anticipating this week, the bags were packed; all we had left were the goodbyes.

And then...

I, John, find myself with high liver counts, jaundice, and extremely weak.   After the initial shock of the inability to return home (Haiti) for a unspecified amount of time, the internal questions became deafening.

"Are you serious?  Why are we still here?  What is the purpose?"

What about on YOUR own journey?  Do things ever happen in your life and all you are left with is questions?

What are we to do with these questions?

Although the questions are very real we must be alert that they can become an assault by the evil one in attempt to steal OUR joy.  As you look at the Spiritual armor in Ephesian 6, the "shield of faith" deflects the arrows of doubt that Satan throws our way.  And what exactly is Satan trying to make us doubt?

That God's way is not the better way!  Satan wants us to DOUBT GOD and trust ourselves, which truly only leads to MORE questions and a troubled spirit.

As I found myself giving into the questions earlier today, I turned to Genesis 1 for a reminder of the GOD I serve.

"In the beginning GOD CREATED the heavens and the earth."  Genesis 1:1

Why is there ever reason a doubt when we serve a God described above?

May you find peace in our journey together as followers of the CREATOR!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My heart is bursting...

My heart is bursting with joy.  Not the joy that makes you jump around and sing/shout, but the joy that streams of tears flow from your eyes!

Why the JOY?
Simply because it is the only visible expression of my thankfulness to you, JESUS for choosing our family to go and serve in a place like Haiti.  A place we get to share the love and feel the love of our LORD and SAVIOR tangibly everyday.

God, thank you for choosing us to go and live amongst the Haitians.  Thank you that my children get to see you so tangible in their everyday life.  Thank you that we understand a little more about your Sermon on the Mount.  When phrases such as "the meek shall inherit the earth" used to be simple words I memorized now are a powerful depiction of who you are.  God thank you for showing us favor and opening the door for this move!

I love you!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Last Week...

The last week has been a whirlwind.  A whirlwind of tears, fears, unknowns, changed plans, etc.  I have been wanting to write  a blog for a few days, but God has been forming the words within my heart.

So here we go!  Instead of writing the story, I want to share what was shown us in the past week that took us from St Louis du Nord to Port au Prince, to Miami, and back to Texas for a short time to heal, rest and prepare to return to our Haiti home.

1.  I am not God, and God is patient and merciful with me in this.
2.  All things work together for GOOD, the GOOD being for HIS GLORY not our want.
3.  Community rocks.  We have amazing friends and family that surround us!
4.  What is intended for HARM God uses for GOOD!
5.  I am SOOO in LOVE with my WIFE.
6.  Be thankful for what you have now, it is not promised tomorrow.
7.  Friends are like cream, they definitely rise to the top when you need them!
8.  We do not go through anything that CHRIST Himself hasn't faced.
9. Our only security and assurance is in Christ alone; you can put it in nothing else; solid and peace is found within it nowhere else.

I cannot help but close with this song as it captures our heart in the recent journey.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I thought I resigned...

In August I had every intention of stepping away from Youth Ministry forever.  I knew students would always be a part of the journey, but in regards to Youth Ministry I thought we had our final stint at Trinity Bible Church.

That was until 4 weeks ago when a need arose about the concern for the High School Students (orphans) on our campus.

I was like, "God are you serious?"  I truly thought I had stepped away from Youth Ministry.  I thought students were something of the past.  Little did I know those were not the plans God had for us.  The Proverb that I quote regularly came back to hit me between the eyes..."Many are the plans of man but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

For the past two week we have been leading out in discipling 15 raw High School students at the St Louis du Nord campus.  They are so hungry for the Scriptures.  I honestly can say that I am in love with Youth Ministry again!!!

Funny note:
Although we live on the same campus, the students are now starting to come over to our house at night.

God, thank you so much for pressing us into your perfect plans.

Learning to surrender to HIS will,

This is a picture of us eating at a local restaurant on Sunday 
after I preached at a local church.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Another BLOG from TERAH

There is a little girl in my preschool who is six years old. She is technically to old to be in the nutrition program but since she doesn't have enough money to go to school she gets to stay another year.

All the kids in my class will graduate in June. That means they move to the school. Sadly, if they don't have enough money or aren't sponsored they can't go to school.

Rose's story is a lot like any other Haitian child she has a younger sister named Carline (also in preschool) and her mom is struggling to feed them. She is soooo smart and full of energy. It makes me think about how in America school can be mostly free all kids have the can go to school. Here they can't. But they all have a right to go to school. Be thankful for what you have.  

For those reading this blog and may be interested in supporting Rose, please email my dad at

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world...
I have to share:
Hut to Hut is a ministry we to participate in at NWHCM 
On the short Hut to Hut is an evangelistic ministry where Mission Teams come in and purchase food at the local market in St Louis du Nord.  After the food is purchased we then go, led by the Holy Spirit, to find those in need to give the food to.
Now to our personal moment...
On Tuesday we came across a home in which that had a yellow and red flag tied at the bottom of a tree near the house.  Our Interpreter and my dear friend, Johnny, told me that this was a sign of Voodoo or satan worship.  I asked the team with us to begin praying for Holy Spirit to move mightily.  Then Johnny and I began to share...
The first thing we did was to expose Satan for the liar, thief, and accuser he is.  Sharing his purpose and plan was to destroy their soul and the soul of future generations of this particular family.  As we were sharing the neighbor looked over the fence and begin pray aloud for the movement of God, as he was a follower of Christ.  We then shared the truth of who Jesus is; truth, comfort, peace, etc.  
As a crowd grew outside the house, we asked the family if we could move inside their 12x12 home.  Johnny and I stepped in the home along with a few of the team members and the family.  We continued to share the truth of Jesus with them.  Wrapping up we asked them if they understood and Johnny led them in a prayer of repentance.  
Wanting to rid the house of any visible signs of Voodoo, we asked if we could cut the flags off of the tree and burn them.  You will the evidence of their answer below...

Please continue to pray for this family as we follow up with them in the weeks to come.

On a final note, what areas of our life do we have “red and yellow” flags tied.  What sin are we still holding onto or what areas is Satan still falsely claiming.  Realize that if we are in Christ, we are new creations the old is gone and the new has come.  That we are no longer a slave of sin but a slave of righteousness.
For GOD’s GLORY alone!

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Day in the Life!

As I write the blog, the sound of Come thou fount of every blessing from our Haitian workers and staff (or choir) echos through the mission.
 I remember day after day for years  I would wake up with Haiti on my heart and go to bed the same way with a yearning and longing for this country.  I used to think that I’d left my heart in Haiti a thousand times over.  Now that I live here, nothing has changed!  
     I love that it feels completely natural to watch Moleon, our security guard, wearing a shower cap as he sings and dances while doing his job, the NWHCM kitchen staff come to John’s protection and defense when his moto driver crashed, or our sweet Edna (the cleaning lady) say Bonjou zamni mwen blow me a kiss and embrace our children.  
Last night I went to bed so filled...I would love to share an average day of our life in Haiti.
John wakes up a little after 5:30a.m. to pray and then if there is a 6:30a.m. staff meeting goes to it.  We all rise and Terah gets ready for devotions before she assists Ashley with the haitian preschool.
John may have meetings set with missionaries here or haitian pastors and I get the children ready for homeschool.  The last two mornings I’ve got a morning laugh because Zebby (the Owens 1 year old) yells “Dad! Dad!” (copying the our kids to John) at our home window so that he can come play trains.
We go to the eating area and share our morning with a missionary family of various passions and personalities but I am certain that this Haiti family are some of the most incredible Jesus followers that I’ve ever had the gift of sharing life with.  Then everyone separates to their daily tasks and ministries.  
I decided to go to the baby orphanage before homeschool with the little ones because one our haitian workers said she missed seeing us in there the last couple of days (We’ve had a few mission teams here and between daily random stuff and homeschool we hadn’t gone over).  We played with precious babies and then we sang with haitian nurses.  I am learning more creole and they just love to talk and sing.  So together we sang, Because He Lives...I can face tomorrow... awesome.  They the asked if they could pray over me for John and our family.  They did and then I prayed for them and their families-powerful.
We did homeschool and then Terah comes home.  We have lunch with our Haiti mission family.  Kids running together; Haitian and missionary kids.  Oneness, joy and freedom... a testimony.
After lunch, naps for the younger kid and gear up to homeschool Terah.  John met a local DJ who was so hungry for the gospel and was encouraged by meeting with him for awhile before working on his sermon for Tortuga island this weekend. 
When the teenagers who live here from the orphanage in Salines Mayette get home from school in the afternoon, John is usually doing math with TK so that I get time with them and then get some bible study and quiet time done (the ladies on the mission are going through Ephesians together and then on Sat afternoons we have youth community group with the males and females).
A team called Epic is here and they do water filtration systems!  When you buy an Epic watch, the proceeds go to clean water in Haiti!  They did afternoon courses on sanitation and water purification and then we got to see the victory on faces as families with disabled children walked off the mission with their new bucket sanitation systems for their homes and families!
Then the beginning of the surgery team got here and the excitement of our week of surgeries and miracles is stirring as we continue to pray for all God has in store.  On a side note, Maureen, our campus medical nurse is incredible and a wonderful grandma to us all and we praise God for her.
Dinner with everyone with laughs, business, intimate conversations, getting to know mission team members...
Then, a mission from Mirebalais got here to drop off six new Miriam Center orphans!  We got to visit with them and be introduced to our new family.  A few of them have really stolen my heart.  From hospice care to rescue of these special needs children; they are given help, a voice, hope.  
The Epic crew did a glow stick party with the Miriam Center and I got to sing with many of them.  
We then bathe, pray with and put our children to bed (with the exception of Terah who got a movie that she needed to write a paper for for homeschool) then got to pray with one of our teenage girls who has a sick grandma who is lost and then listen to the girls practice for a Christian concert they perform in Port au Paix on Sunday.  
John and I get some share time before praying and climbing in to bed thinking, “This was another beautiful day in Haiti.”  
Daily we get to live out Matthew 25...kingdom living is beyond words.  Keeping our eyes on Jesus we love fearlessly and know that the prize is eternal.