Today we went to an church to give out shoe boxes. We got there and sang then my dad preached and then it was time for shoe boxes. The chaos was unexplainable. I got these two little girls (sisters) each a shoe boxe which included lots of pushing and yelling. Finally the Haitian pastor that came with us said get the missionary kids out! So me and my friends went to the back of the room and saw people giving out shoe boxes get pulled in the crowd and a girl hurt her already broken finger. Then all of a sudden we saw them just throw the shoe boxes out to he crowd to get them away from the people giving out shoe boxes. We got out just before they started fighting over a box right where we were sitting. So we stayed out there for awhile when I saw three sisters (ages: 6,4, and 2) walk out with nothing. I talked to them and gave them a few things and walked away feeling sadness for the kids who sat there waiting their turn. Later I found out that they had been sitting there for almost 5 hours waiting for us to come. That is the face of poverty. That is not someone who is mean and who will just grab the shoe box. That is the face of someone who is so desperate something in a tiny shoe box. often we forget how much we have compared to the rest of the world. We have so much and take it all for granted.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The Reactions...
First off, thank you for the travelers that journeyed with us to get us here. It was so hard to say goodbye to each of you, but the journey has begun and it is so right!
Ava's Return...
Wow! I have never seen Ava quiet, until last night. As we drove up to the orphanage last night, the kids were all chanting "Ava, Ava, Ava." As we carried her in, she was immediatiely taken and passed around. Her eyes were huge! As she was carried around the orphanage there was a large crowd following her.
As to how she is handling it all...tonight as we we FaceTimed with PeePaw and MeeMaw, she said..."
"I love Haiti and I am a Supertar." Please pray for humility!
Jordan's Reaction
This was one I was unsure about. But I can honestly say after 24 hours, he is doing quiet well. Today he gave one of his trains away to a little boy that was crying. Tonight before dinner, I leaned upon a fence and watched him play his heart out with other kids. A huge thank you to Christine Bogdanoff, she has been awesome with him.
Terah's Reaction
Terah as we suspected is in her element. Walking around holding kids, chilling with the other missionary kids, and being Terah, is the best way to describe her. We had a moment she was walking away from bringing me water, she called out..."Daddy, this is our life!" To which I responded..."What do you think beautiful?" She said with huge smile, "I LOVE IT!"
Christi's Reaction
It goes without saying that Christi loves this country. Almost 8 years ago she stepped in Haiti for the first time and has not been able to get it out of our soul ever since. She is my hero. The way she pours out with love and service to all around her is so amazing! I love you sweetie.
My Reaction
Dude! How can I sum it up in a short enough version that you will actually read it? Let's just say the Scriptures are so alive here. I am in love with my Jesus! What he allowed me to walk through in just today is humbling! God, thank you for calling us here!
Mwen remem ou!
(We love you!)
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Saying Goodbye...
Today I said good-bye to my Coder classmates. It was hard leaving everyone, especially when one of my best friends break out crying at the end of P.E. I don't know what my emotions are. It seems like I was always telling myself that I still had lots of days, or yay school is almost out. But it was here and it passed. My friends have been like sisters to me. We were magnets that no one could separate. But even the strongest magnets eventually break. And I am the magnet that was pulled off. I will never ever forget them. I will miss them.... ALOT!!!
To Coder Elementary
Life Changers:
I want to thank you all for loving my children. The way you received my family is something we will always remember.
On the way home there was a silence in the car that was deafening amongst Jordan and Ava. I was in the front driving through the tears that was flowing from my eyes. The tears were those that you always want a reason to have but you never want to experience.
Let me explain...
There are a few things in your life that you really long for, one of them being that your children are loved and are safe. When you place them out in the "world" you only pray and hope that they are surrounded by others that love and care for them with the same mindset that you have. When this occurs, you are overjoyed. This was the reason for the tears driving home today.
You guys at Coder loved our family beyond anything we have experienced. We are very grateful for the way you opened up your lives to our family. Words cannot express the gratitude we have. Please know that what you do makes a difference each day. Please know that the long hours do make an impact. The patience, joy, and love does not go without notice!
When I headed to Coder today to pick up the kids for the last time, I had no idea the emotion that I would feel. The deep feeling originates only from those that open their lives to you and receive yours for what it is.
We love each of you and will miss you dearly.
John, Christi, Terah, Ava, and Jordan
I want to thank you all for loving my children. The way you received my family is something we will always remember.
On the way home there was a silence in the car that was deafening amongst Jordan and Ava. I was in the front driving through the tears that was flowing from my eyes. The tears were those that you always want a reason to have but you never want to experience.
Let me explain...
There are a few things in your life that you really long for, one of them being that your children are loved and are safe. When you place them out in the "world" you only pray and hope that they are surrounded by others that love and care for them with the same mindset that you have. When this occurs, you are overjoyed. This was the reason for the tears driving home today.
You guys at Coder loved our family beyond anything we have experienced. We are very grateful for the way you opened up your lives to our family. Words cannot express the gratitude we have. Please know that what you do makes a difference each day. Please know that the long hours do make an impact. The patience, joy, and love does not go without notice!
When I headed to Coder today to pick up the kids for the last time, I had no idea the emotion that I would feel. The deep feeling originates only from those that open their lives to you and receive yours for what it is.
We love each of you and will miss you dearly.
John, Christi, Terah, Ava, and Jordan
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The House With Upstairs and a Backyard
Sounds like a funny name for a blog title, but that is our reality right now. For the last few days that has been the question reverberating around our dinner table.
Jordan asked Christi and I where our house was?
"You know momma and daddy the one with upstairs and a backyard!"
Change is real for our family right now, and we are all feeling it. To step out in this journey the unknowns are a constant conversation upon my tongue to God. I find myself asking him to relieve the pressure on the little ones and give me, John, wisdom on how to serve them and walk with them through this change. Not combatting their answers with quick responses but taking the time to listen and direct them along this path.
I covet your prayers for our kids as they journey with us.
To GOD be the Glory!
Jordan asked Christi and I where our house was?
"You know momma and daddy the one with upstairs and a backyard!"
Change is real for our family right now, and we are all feeling it. To step out in this journey the unknowns are a constant conversation upon my tongue to God. I find myself asking him to relieve the pressure on the little ones and give me, John, wisdom on how to serve them and walk with them through this change. Not combatting their answers with quick responses but taking the time to listen and direct them along this path.
I covet your prayers for our kids as they journey with us.
To GOD be the Glory!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Right Perspective
On our way back from the kids getting shots, Terah shout out, "Oh my..." Concerned with what was wrong, I asked her. She responded with reading a report from International Justice Mission. Here is part of the story she was reading:
"Last fall, Malavika was five years old – the age my own daughters started school. But Malavika was spending each day as she had the one before: sitting on the hard dirt next to her mother, helping to crush rocks, as her father carried massive stones out of a deep pit. Though she was young, Malavika knew enough to understand her home – a remote and massive granite quarry – was a terrible place.
Malavika’s parents were slaves. The fabric of her childhood was a cycle of abuse, pain, work and need. It was hearing the vulgar shouts of the owner and his henchmen berating the labourers and threatening to sexually assault the women..." (A link to the entire story)
As she was reading the story, I had a reality check. It is so important for us to to keep a KINGOM PERSPECTIVE; such as the one Jesus shares in Matthew 6:20.
When she finished reading , Terah and I had a daddy-daughter moment. One in which we felt the same emotion The soul thought was how important it is for us to keep our heart on the following:
1. Jesus loves us.
2. Jesus has placed a deep love for our brothers and sisters in Haiti.
3. Jesus has called us to serve in Haiti.
4. We have no other choice but to obey Jesus.
As we get ever so close December 27th, we more than ever have to keep the Kingdom perspective. It is easy to get wrapped up in "what you are leaving" instead of the "ONE who is calling?"
Monday, December 5, 2011
Livesay [Haiti] Weblog: the cost
Livesay [Haiti] Weblog: the cost: Inevitably moving away from friends and family means changed relationships. Try as hard as you possibly can; things will still change. We've...
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Saying Goodbye To My Dog
One of the hardest parts was leaving my dog, kelsey. I have had her since I was five. She was one of my christmas gifts. It seemed like she was always there through my moves to new schools to my families move from Colorado to Texas. She was there trudging through the snow when she'd rather be in her nice warm bed by the fire. She was always there, and I thought she always would be there. But you don't know how much you love things until they're gone. I know that what we are doing in haiti is much bigger than that. But nothing will replace the spot that Kelsey had, and always will have in my heart .
Friday, November 25, 2011
This Blog, Sponsored by Kleenex
This past weekend was a tough weekend at the Barnes' home!
Boyz II Men sums it up well, with this song!
We had two difficult goodbyes this past weekend one in which I will share and the other Terah will share with you all in a week.
For the past four years Earl has been living with us. This past Saturday night, due to the fact we have to be out of our home at the end of November, he had to move out. I knew it was coming, but it is one of those things you put to the back of your mind, trying to ignore it.
This past Saturday night Earl drove up with a trailer and began loading up all of his stuff. It was a tough night. As we were working in packing the trailer, we did alot of "small talk" trying to ignore the deep emotions that were just below the surface.
As soon as we finished loading the trailer, Earl and his brother left, leaving Christi and I in his empty room alone. Tears now inevitably coming to the surface, I quickly gave Christi a hug and made my way halfway down the stairs and then I STOPPED. I turned around and slowly reentered the room...
I was so broken. Tears were flowing heavily now and I walked over to Christi and she hugged me tightly. I told her how much it hurt to see him leave.
Although I know he is in great place and God is moving mightily in his life, I did not want him to go. The goodbyes are ever so hard for me and there are more that await us.
But that is just it, obeying Christ in your call, whatever it may be, isn't always pretty. Sometimes it hurts, a hurt that runs deep into the soul. From this point on, I am not going to try to be "tough" and hold back the tears. They are going to flow!
Why? Because, God gave me the gift of mourning loss. When people walk into your lives and get all over you, it should hurt when they leave the "known' of your life.
To Earl:
I love you son and you make your mom and dad very proud of you! It does hurt for things to change, but you will always hold a special place.
Mom and Dad
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
An extra surprise came our way...
With 40 days and counting until we board a plane heading for our new home in St Louis du Nord, Haiti; we received some awesome news.
As we have shared with many of you all, our "dwelling" in Haiti was going to be one room in which NWHCM was going to put up a wall allowing for some privacy and add a bathroom. As time was getting closer and closer to us joining our "one room dwelling" I sent an email to Janeil asking him about the progress of our home...and we received the following reply.
A new "dwelling"opened up on the campus of NWHCM one that is 3 bedroom 2 bath with a kitchenette and hook ups for a washer and dryer. REALLY? Are you serious?!?!?!
As I shared with Christi, we both began to cry in praise in how He has once again not only met our need but also added an extra special answer to a "want!" A few hours after I shared with Christi, she shouted out to me across the house, "We have closets!", in which I could not help but laugh to myself!
I challenge us all to continue to live in a complete surrender and obedience. I cannot wait to hear your stories!
A little extra:
- As I write this we have only 14 days left in our house in Hudson Oaks.
- Please pray for the sale of our minivan....the price is $7000 if anyone is asking!
Love you all and thank you for the community!
As we have shared with many of you all, our "dwelling" in Haiti was going to be one room in which NWHCM was going to put up a wall allowing for some privacy and add a bathroom. As time was getting closer and closer to us joining our "one room dwelling" I sent an email to Janeil asking him about the progress of our home...and we received the following reply.
A new "dwelling"opened up on the campus of NWHCM one that is 3 bedroom 2 bath with a kitchenette and hook ups for a washer and dryer. REALLY? Are you serious?!?!?!
As I shared with Christi, we both began to cry in praise in how He has once again not only met our need but also added an extra special answer to a "want!" A few hours after I shared with Christi, she shouted out to me across the house, "We have closets!", in which I could not help but laugh to myself!
I challenge us all to continue to live in a complete surrender and obedience. I cannot wait to hear your stories!
A little extra:
- As I write this we have only 14 days left in our house in Hudson Oaks.
- Please pray for the sale of our minivan....the price is $7000 if anyone is asking!
Love you all and thank you for the community!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
The flights are booked...
We officially received our flight itinerary. We leave on December 27th at 9 am from DFW.
I wanted to share with you all some of the events we experienced in the last few months:
1. We have been driving a truck that is not ours since August 28th.
- God's timing is perfect due to the fact that we have driven over 6,000 miles since early September. Our little car would have not made the extra miles and we couldn't have limited miles on the van that we're trying to sell (sitting on Ken's car lot on fort worth hwy 180).
2. Random miracles.
- A lady stopping by our house and giving us 18, $100 bills, only for her to stop again the next week to deliver a Wal Mart Gift Certificate. What she didn't know is that this gift met our need for Nov. rent and house bills; which we didn't expect or plan for at the start of this journey because we thought we'd be out of the house by Oct.
- Meeting and having dinner at our house with Pastor Francois. Pastor Francois is a Haitian Pastor that will be within a few hours of St Louis du Nord, the place we will call home in Haiti.
- The way God has open doors from some of the smallest churches to the largest churches in Texas. His favor has been extravagant.
- The way God supplied for us to stay in our home until the beginning of December. This has been really good for Terah, Ava, and Jordan.
- These are only a few...
3. The growth of our family.
- Even in the craziness of Christi finishing up school and the randomness of our travel, our family of five have been able to learn to chill and enjoy the time with one another. We KNOW each other in a way that we have not known each other in the past. Hard to explain, but I believe it had to happen.
Why do I share this? Because our call to obedience is about GLORIFYING God, or increasing the font of our God. He has been so good to us and used many of you all to encourage us in the last few months..
To God be the GLORY!
We love you all!
I wanted to share with you all some of the events we experienced in the last few months:
1. We have been driving a truck that is not ours since August 28th.
- God's timing is perfect due to the fact that we have driven over 6,000 miles since early September. Our little car would have not made the extra miles and we couldn't have limited miles on the van that we're trying to sell (sitting on Ken's car lot on fort worth hwy 180).
2. Random miracles.
- A lady stopping by our house and giving us 18, $100 bills, only for her to stop again the next week to deliver a Wal Mart Gift Certificate. What she didn't know is that this gift met our need for Nov. rent and house bills; which we didn't expect or plan for at the start of this journey because we thought we'd be out of the house by Oct.
- Meeting and having dinner at our house with Pastor Francois. Pastor Francois is a Haitian Pastor that will be within a few hours of St Louis du Nord, the place we will call home in Haiti.
- The way God has open doors from some of the smallest churches to the largest churches in Texas. His favor has been extravagant.
- The way God supplied for us to stay in our home until the beginning of December. This has been really good for Terah, Ava, and Jordan.
- These are only a few...
3. The growth of our family.
- Even in the craziness of Christi finishing up school and the randomness of our travel, our family of five have been able to learn to chill and enjoy the time with one another. We KNOW each other in a way that we have not known each other in the past. Hard to explain, but I believe it had to happen.
Why do I share this? Because our call to obedience is about GLORIFYING God, or increasing the font of our God. He has been so good to us and used many of you all to encourage us in the last few months..
To God be the GLORY!
We love you all!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
The BEATLES had it right...
All my troubles seemed so far away,
Now it looks as though they're here to stay,
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
What a powerful truth from the band known as the BEATLES!
So often we are burdened with the "roadblocks" of life. Things arise that cause us to doubt the God we serve. Maybe it is a hard day at work, a relationship gone wrong, an unexpected car problem, a medical bill, etc.
The Israelites did the same thing. They find themselves in slavery in Egypt and a guy named Moses empowered by GOD, led a multimillion community out of bondage. They see God do some awesome things in their deliverence including splitting the RED SEA.
And guess what happened. Their stomachs started to growl...
"In the desert the whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron. 3 The Israelites said to them, “If only we had died by the LORD’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.” Exodus 16: 2-3
Really Israel, God brought you all the way out of the slavery you were in to waste away and to starve to death. How ridiculous is that?
Before you answer, we all do the same thing! God moves mightily in the "Yesterday" of our journey and something arises today that causes us to doubt HIIM.
Let us remember that GOD is good and HE is in control!
May we begin to live out the words of the Beatles by...believing in the God movement of our YESTERDAY. After all the writer of Hebrews reminds us that God is the same YESTERDAY, today and forever!
Rest in HIS PEACE!
Monday, October 24, 2011
To obey or not to there really even a choice!!!
As we get closer to the leaving for Haiti, I cannot help but share my heart with you!
One of the reasons we are answering the call to Haiti is the effect that disobedience has on those around you. Straight up, if God is calling us to Haiti and we choose to ignore Him, the 3 above will live in our disobedience with us. But the exact opposite is true as well!! If we chose to live in the obedience and answer the call to Haiti, they too share in the blessings of that obedience.
Everyday, no matter who you are, you have people watching you. The way you love, forgive, serve, etc . is being watched by someone. What scares the heck out of me is many parents are choosing to live in direct disobedience to God, in choosing to live their own way, especially in regards to getting a divorce.
Do you really think that your decision to end your marriage will not have an effect on those little and big ones watching you. You are inviting insecurity and a corrupted view of God's love into their world. Wake up and choose to repent and come back to God and save your marriage. Do not let the lies of Satan to lead you down a path of thinking that "it will all be okay." It won't be, you will suffer and you are inviting a poison into your children and grandchildren that will be hard to remove.
Wake up and change! Disobedience is costly!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Blown away by you all!
Where do I even start...
Just a few minutes ago, the doorbell rang. When I answered the door, the lady said,
“God told me to do this the other day, but I didn’t. So today, I went by the bank and did what God told me to do.”
She hands me the envelope and then leaves.
Walking back in I was in shock of the mighty movement of our Jesus and the way “extraordinary radicals” step out with us.
If the one who gave us the “envelope” happens to be reading this blog...
Thank you so much from the deepest part of our soul. You see the very act of your obedience is a reconfirmation of the call we are on. You have no idea of the impact for Jesus you made on us today!
Whether it is a smile, prayer, or financial support we are so encouraged by the Community that is standing with us on our journey.
"I thank my God every time I remember you." Philippians 1:3
Thursday, October 13, 2011
In the News...
Here is a link to an article published in a local newspaper about our journey to Haiti!
For God's Glory alone.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Other People's Trash...
“My wake up call to serving others ...”
Driving back home from dropping the kids off this morning I came across a huge pile of trash outside my neighbors house. After thinking, I wonder if it was my dog, I had a inner pulling to go and pick up the trash.
In which I did exactly the opposite....
After all, we had guests coming and I promised Christi that the house would be clean by the time she returned home. As I started cleaning the conviction became stronger and stronger in the call to go over and pick up the trash.
Then came the rush of excuses, bringing reason in NOT to pick up the trash:
- What if they show back up and see me cleaning it up?
- What if they think it was my dog that went through it?
- Maybe they were mad at waste management so they wanted to make it harder for them to clean it up?
Aren’t our excuses ridiculous sometimes!
Finally I gave in and grabbed a couple of boxes and walked over to the house and began the process of picking up the trash. (Which took a entire five minutes to complete!)
While picking up the trash, I began to correlate the trash in my neighbor's yard to the baggage (trash) we carry around with us daily. There are so many hurting people walking around with a pile of hurt, and what do we do??? IGNORE IT!
When it comes down to it we are just lazy, disobedient followers sometimes; it takes too much time or it might be too much of a hindrance to get involved.
Remember Jesus didn’t come to be served but to serve others and give his life for many. He gladly accepted all of our trash (sin) and took it upon himself. Actually in many ways we are still dumping all trash upon him today...and you know what he says about it?
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” - Jesus
My prayer...
God, may I begin to continue to step out of my comfort and stop making ridiculous excuses and get involved with other people’s trash! In doing so, giving others a true depiction of your love.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
God speaking through a paint job...
For the last few weeks I have found myself in a project of painting my grandmother' house...
As I picked up the scarper and sandpaper this morning and begin to work on the front door of the house, God spoke so loudly!
What I have found out in the last few weeks is the quality of the paint job is all about the prep work; i.e. the scraping, sandpapering, washing, priming, etc. If you fast forward this process, the paint job will not last.
Doesn't that speak to our journey with Christ..
So often we want the fast forward approach to our spiritual journey. We want the "abundant life", the "peace that passes all understanding", the "reigning with Christ", etc. With good intentions we want all the finished project of the paint job without the scraping and sandpapering as it relates to the refining mentioned in Hebrews 12 and James 1
It is the trials in life that allows us to place ourselves in hands of Jesus, trusting him with everything. When we persevere in His strength we come through as an example of the Jesus we follow.
As I picked up the scarper and sandpaper this morning and begin to work on the front door of the house, God spoke so loudly!
What I have found out in the last few weeks is the quality of the paint job is all about the prep work; i.e. the scraping, sandpapering, washing, priming, etc. If you fast forward this process, the paint job will not last.
Doesn't that speak to our journey with Christ..
So often we want the fast forward approach to our spiritual journey. We want the "abundant life", the "peace that passes all understanding", the "reigning with Christ", etc. With good intentions we want all the finished project of the paint job without the scraping and sandpapering as it relates to the refining mentioned in Hebrews 12 and James 1
It is the trials in life that allows us to place ourselves in hands of Jesus, trusting him with everything. When we persevere in His strength we come through as an example of the Jesus we follow.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Update on our journey!!
Good morning from McDonalds (free wifi).
Wow oh wow is the time passing by. We are currently staring October right in the face, in which this Sunday I will turn 36...oh man!
This past Sunday we were blessed to share with Lifestone Church in Weatherford. Thanks to the much love of Ben and his community at Lifestone. You truly made our family feel the love of Christ while we were with you.
Last night, we shared our journey with Mckinney Bible's Mission Team. Big thanks to Chris for having us in. You guys encouraged far more than you will ever realize.
One final note, it appears that a follow up to Ava's adoption story is going to hit the local news again. Please pray that God uses this in allowing others to find their own unique Haiti journey.
Concerning fundraising, we are about 60% funded.
I leave you with an awesome verse in Hebrews...
Wow oh wow is the time passing by. We are currently staring October right in the face, in which this Sunday I will turn 36...oh man!
This past Sunday we were blessed to share with Lifestone Church in Weatherford. Thanks to the much love of Ben and his community at Lifestone. You truly made our family feel the love of Christ while we were with you.
Last night, we shared our journey with Mckinney Bible's Mission Team. Big thanks to Chris for having us in. You guys encouraged far more than you will ever realize.
One final note, it appears that a follow up to Ava's adoption story is going to hit the local news again. Please pray that God uses this in allowing others to find their own unique Haiti journey.
Concerning fundraising, we are about 60% funded.
I leave you with an awesome verse in Hebrews...
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Two miles are better than one mile...
Jesus, what in the world were you thinking when you said this...
“If someone forces you to go with you one mile go with them two miles.”
Matthew 5-7 is not a good idea or a sermon for Jews only, it is for us, as followers of Jesus. So with that said, in the last few days I have been challenged over and over again with these words of Jesus in Matthew 5:41.
A tangible example...
The other night there was a great idea stirring in our house to make chocolate chip cookies stuffed with oreos. As the cook and our daughter headed to Wal Mart to grab all the ingredients for the cookies, I was at home finishing up the dishes from dinner.
As I was washed each dish, I became more and more agitated about the idea of the cookies being made, after all the kitchen was clean. But the longer I stewed, the more conviction came my way from the verse above. Again and again all that was reverberating in my soul, was “2 miles are better than 1...walk 2 miles!”
After trying to justify myself to my Jesus, which never works, I surrendered to the 2 mile theory and expressed to Jesus that I would be glad to do the dishes after the cookies were made.
Funny thing though...When the cooks came back from Wal Mart they decided to wait to make the cookies at a later date.
The moral of the story is this...
So often we are willing to travel our 1 mile, doing the religious minimum, and then gloating over the great job we did. For me it was doing the dishes from dinner that night.
But, many times we are unwilling to go the 2 miles, where God gets the greater glory. On that particular night, the 2 miles would of been me washing the dishes from dinner and then happily washing the “cookie dishes.”
Quick questions...
- What areas do you tend to travel the minimal 1 mile?
- What would it look like for you to begin traveling 2 miles in this particular area of your life?
I close with a quick verse that I love...
“Your attitude should be the same of that as Christ Jesus: who being in nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped.” Philippians 2:5-6
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
A thought or two...
Just a quick update on our journey...
This weekend was a blur but God was so good in allowing us to slow down on the farm. On Friday we were at my old high school in Dublin. We were able to share five different times to students and staff.
On Saturday, Christi and Ava went to an early meeting with a WMU group in Stephenville, Texas which allowed Terah and I to share later that day.
Just saying, TERAH slammed it. With great confidence in her journey with Christ, she shared the two reasons she anticipates moving to Haiti...1) the joy of the Haitian people 2) Their sacrificial giving
On Sunday I preached at Carbon Community Church in Carbon Texas. It was so refreshing to reconnect with our family at Carbon for a few hours.
On Sunday night, Trinity Bible had a praise and prayer time for us. I can only say, WOW, what a time.
Thank you all for the way you are supporting us in our journey to Haiti!!!!
One final note, thank you to Ashylyn for taking the time for Terah last night. We truly are so very thankful! We love you!
This weekend was a blur but God was so good in allowing us to slow down on the farm. On Friday we were at my old high school in Dublin. We were able to share five different times to students and staff.
On Saturday, Christi and Ava went to an early meeting with a WMU group in Stephenville, Texas which allowed Terah and I to share later that day.
Just saying, TERAH slammed it. With great confidence in her journey with Christ, she shared the two reasons she anticipates moving to Haiti...1) the joy of the Haitian people 2) Their sacrificial giving
On Sunday I preached at Carbon Community Church in Carbon Texas. It was so refreshing to reconnect with our family at Carbon for a few hours.
On Sunday night, Trinity Bible had a praise and prayer time for us. I can only say, WOW, what a time.
Thank you all for the way you are supporting us in our journey to Haiti!!!!
One final note, thank you to Ashylyn for taking the time for Terah last night. We truly are so very thankful! We love you!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
An update of our journey...
Wow the time does fly by so quickly!
In the last two weeks we have traveled over 4000 miles from Northern Colorado to Indianaopolis. I have to admit it was a long journey but oh what a unique and awesome time we had with old and new friends/family
In Colorado..
From a BBQ with friends, to a late night chat in a three-story tree house, Colorado always brings an unique experience. We were able to share at two churches and reconnect with some dear, dear friends, It is always hard to leave Greely, Colorado!
In Indianapolis...
We met the instate NWHCM team. Driving in late on Monday, we took a persaonlity test that once again reveals the uniquenss of how are knitted together (Psalm 139).
On Tuesday morning Sam gave us a tour of the NWHCM facility, and how sweet it is. From there we took a bible test and had Q&A with Sam about our journey to Haiti with NWHCM.
On Wednesday we packed our 3+ crates with all of our stuff and Christi reconnected with Julie, a lady she met on her first trip to Haiti in 2004.
We arrived home just in time this morning to wake the kids up for school! Oh how great it is to be home, but the more we travel this journey we are coming to understand home is not about the house, but about the community of people united through Christ!
A few things coming down the road...
September 16th at Dublin High School in Dublin, Texas...
Tomorrow I will be at the DHS, my alma marter, sharing our journey to Haiti.
On Sunday, September 18th at Carbon Community Church in Carbon Texas sharing our journey with dear friends that were very integral in our lives. Looking forward to seeing some old and new faces at Carbon.
Continue to pray the three B’s over our lives...
- Brokenness in our journey as followers of Christ (Psalms 51:17)
- Boldness in proclaiming the power of the gospel within our call. (2 Timothy 1:7)
- Balance in our relationship with first our Jesus, then as husband and wife, and then with the kids!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Inaccuracy of Hebrews 11
For many years growing up I have heard countless Pastors and teachers, including myself, make reference to Hebrews 11 as the "Hall of Faith Chapter", bringing the meaning that the men and women mentioned in Hebrews 11 are extraordinary faith-journeyers that made the TOP FOLLOWERS of JESUS.
This inaccuracy does nothing but stunt the growth of followers of Christ.
When we think of people that are in the Hall of Fame or have received a Purple Heart we begin to place these individuals in a category of unreachable. These men and women are great to look at but truly a goal in which is surmountable.
The danger of doing this to the men and women mentioned on Hebrews 11 has the possibility of stunting our growth as followers, encouraging us to live a lukewarm life. Why? You see if we hold the ones who are mentioned in Hebrews as standouts we set a minimal bar for us to reach. Meaning that God is okay with where we are and although it is cool that Noah, Abraham, Rahab, etc did these wonderful things; we do not have to.
I tell the reader of this blog, THIS IS NOT TRUE!
These men and women of Hebrews 11 were a pure example of what it looks like to live by faith. It was never intended to place these individuals on some pedestal. Doing that would make them idols and we know how God feels about idolatry.
So how do I do it?
Since, God is the giver of faith, faith is not something we have to work at to get. Your faith grows in the small choices to obey and surrender each day that will lead you to begin to do things in which you thought you could never do....all for HIS glory!
In HIS Peace!
This inaccuracy does nothing but stunt the growth of followers of Christ.
When we think of people that are in the Hall of Fame or have received a Purple Heart we begin to place these individuals in a category of unreachable. These men and women are great to look at but truly a goal in which is surmountable.
The danger of doing this to the men and women mentioned on Hebrews 11 has the possibility of stunting our growth as followers, encouraging us to live a lukewarm life. Why? You see if we hold the ones who are mentioned in Hebrews as standouts we set a minimal bar for us to reach. Meaning that God is okay with where we are and although it is cool that Noah, Abraham, Rahab, etc did these wonderful things; we do not have to.
I tell the reader of this blog, THIS IS NOT TRUE!
These men and women of Hebrews 11 were a pure example of what it looks like to live by faith. It was never intended to place these individuals on some pedestal. Doing that would make them idols and we know how God feels about idolatry.
So how do I do it?
Since, God is the giver of faith, faith is not something we have to work at to get. Your faith grows in the small choices to obey and surrender each day that will lead you to begin to do things in which you thought you could never do....all for HIS glory!
In HIS Peace!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Title Change...
Okay, for the past 17 years I have been able to call myself a Youth Pastor. Over the years it has been funny to hear some of the replies of this comment:
"Oh, a Youth Pastor!"
"Okay, so when are you going to be a real Pastor."
"What does that mean?"
Honestly one time before I spoke to a group of people they introduced me as,
"...John Barnes a Youth Pastor, going to school to learn to be a Pastor."
Whatever perspective people had of me, ends today! Labels are overrated and usually end up driving us to meet someone else's perception of what they think we should be/do.
From now on I am known as John Barnes, redeemed sinner!
When embracing John Barnes, redeemed sinner, at least I will be able to give definition to the title instead of others defining it for me.
In all reality, I walk away knowing that it has been a fun ride and God has richly blessed us with students, parents and leaders that have totally transformed us into who we are. I am forever thankful.
In His peace and love,
John Barnes
redeemed sinner
"Oh, a Youth Pastor!"
"Okay, so when are you going to be a real Pastor."
"What does that mean?"
Honestly one time before I spoke to a group of people they introduced me as,
"...John Barnes a Youth Pastor, going to school to learn to be a Pastor."
Whatever perspective people had of me, ends today! Labels are overrated and usually end up driving us to meet someone else's perception of what they think we should be/do.
From now on I am known as John Barnes, redeemed sinner!
When embracing John Barnes, redeemed sinner, at least I will be able to give definition to the title instead of others defining it for me.
In all reality, I walk away knowing that it has been a fun ride and God has richly blessed us with students, parents and leaders that have totally transformed us into who we are. I am forever thankful.
In His peace and love,
John Barnes
redeemed sinner
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Another HUGE Day
Do you believe that our God is huge?
Do you believe that the same God who split the RED SEA in the Old Testament for the reason of rescuing the Israelites from the hands of slavery is still involved in miracles today?
If you don't, let me share simple story within pictures with captions...
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Ava at in Haiti (2009) |
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Ava at Coder Elementary (2011) |
God is huge.
God is still actively involved in miracles.
God wants to use you and me!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
12 Years
Happy Anniversary to the most beautiful woman in the entire world.
As I sit back and rethink the way I felt 12 years ago in anticipation of the "wedding day" that was before us, I thought that I could never love Christi more than I did that day. I thought the intense emotions that were running through my soul could never increase. But oh was I wrong...
The emotion that I had 12 years ago was based upon an intense feeling. Over the past 12 years this feeling was planted in a fertile soil that has bloomed into a true love that is perpetually blossoming in the uniqueness of who God has created us to be as a couple.
Because of the uniqueness of the last 12 years, Christi and I have learned that
Love is patient when we are impatient,
Love is kind when we are unkind,
Love isn't envious when we are,
Love doesn't boast when we do,
Love is not proud but humble.
Simply put, God is Love! Christi, the way you have chosen to love me is a true picture of that love.
Christi I love you very much! Happy Anniversary beautiful!
As I sit back and rethink the way I felt 12 years ago in anticipation of the "wedding day" that was before us, I thought that I could never love Christi more than I did that day. I thought the intense emotions that were running through my soul could never increase. But oh was I wrong...
The emotion that I had 12 years ago was based upon an intense feeling. Over the past 12 years this feeling was planted in a fertile soil that has bloomed into a true love that is perpetually blossoming in the uniqueness of who God has created us to be as a couple.
Because of the uniqueness of the last 12 years, Christi and I have learned that
Love is patient when we are impatient,
Love is kind when we are unkind,
Love isn't envious when we are,
Love doesn't boast when we do,
Love is not proud but humble.
Simply put, God is Love! Christi, the way you have chosen to love me is a true picture of that love.
Christi I love you very much! Happy Anniversary beautiful!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
My heart rejoices and is in anguish at the same time!
This was a boy who was found outside of Heartline Mission in Port au Prince yesterday morning. His mom/caretaker had left him on the side of the road. Fortunately Beth found him and brought him to Heartline. My heart rejoices for this little boy but at the same time is in anguish for the ones that are never found!
There may be doors opening to help this little boy...please begin to pray with us on these doors being opened and the softening of a donor's heart in giving towards building an orphanage for these little kids.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011 wisdom!
In the Bible there is a book called "Proverbs" or truly "sentences of wisdom." Today I was reading in the "sentences of wisdom" and it was speaking of wisdom as a person.
Some of the characteristics of wisdom as Proverbs declares are:
- truth
- justice
- prudence
- anti evil
- anti pride and arrogance
I have to be completely honest; FEAR of GOD has always been a tough one for me to swallow. That is until I had an understanding that "fear" really means reverence or respect.
So how does one get wisdom? In Proverbs 9:10 states, "The F...E...A...R of God is the beginning of wisdom." When revere/respect God we are living within wisdom and the characteristics described above.
So how does one get wisdom? In Proverbs 9:10 states, "The F...E...A...R of God is the beginning of wisdom." When revere/respect God we are living within wisdom and the characteristics described above.
For our move to Haiti this means in everything! Right now, Christi and I are in the midst of truly learning what revering God is about.
Pray that in each step of the way we all learn to revere God in trusting Him with all the outcomes of our everyday life, whether it is our moving to Haiti or maybe for you it is trusting Him with your financial future.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
More infectious pictures of Haiti
As you look into the eyes of the children, what do you see? If you look close enough you will see how to love, have joy, and how to express a tangible faith that believes when all else has failed!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
The Joy of Haiti is Infectious.
This is a picture of my wife and the direct result of the effect the joy you experience when you visit Haiti. Do you see that smile! Wow oh wow, I could not help but share this with you all!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
The Journey Begins
The Creole word for joy is “jwa,” and it is the very thing that draws us to the country of Haiti. Walking the streets, one is quick to notice swollen bellies and reddish hair caused by malnutrition, rampant disease, and illiteracy, all of which sweep the entire country of Haiti. So where is this joy that we speak of? The longer you stay and the more time you spend with these people, the more rapidly and completely the physicality of the place fades away until the only thing left is the raw beauty of the Haitian people. The beauty of Jesus is so tangibly expressed in every face you see in Haiti. While many are without hope and the knowledge of where their food will come from the next day, within thesepeople is an admirable wisdom and an unbelievable faith by which they live. This beauty, accompanied by God’s immeasurable work in our lives, has given us a passionate love for this country that has been building up for some time now. So it is with great anticipation that we are announcing our partnership with Northwest Haiti Christian Mission (NWHCM) with the desire to see changed lives, and, most of all, the desire to see the gospel transform hearts!
NWHCM is an independent, nonprofit Christian church organization with thirty years of commitment to Haiti that is dedicated to establishing and partnering with indigenous churches to help bring people in Northwest Haiti out of spiritual, physical and social poverty, demonstrating God’s love for all people. The main campus is located in St Louis du Nord. It has a hospital and birthing center, clinic, pharmacy, nutrition program, baby and special needs orphanage, and an elderly home. NWHCM also participates in a diverse collection of programs such as primary schools, feeding projects, orphanages, medical clinics, church planting, a Bible college, and agricultural development. It is the largest employer in the zone and one of the largest ministries in Haiti, and we are overjoyed to become a part of the great work they are doing.
Our job as missionaries on the campus is to help better enable this mission to succeed, so John has accepted a position as the mission campus pastor, where he will teach and disciple directly to the people of Northwest Haiti. Christi will be discipling to young mothers who bring their children to the nutrition program, and Terah has planned to start backyard Bible studies that will introduce the people to God and His love for them.
We are encouraged in this endeavor by our faith in Jesus Christ and we are driven to serve the poor and oppressed in the Western Hemisphere’s poorest nation because we love the people and believe that God loves them too. We believe in Christ’s promise to bring us life in its fullest for all people, and we believe in His command to serve our impoverished neighbors. With that, we are not being called to a country; we are being called to obedience in joining a movement with our Haitian brothers and sisters, in bringing the word of Christ to the streets of a beautiful country in a tangible, expressive love for our neighbors, in providing food and clothes, in caring for the orphan and the widow, in visiting the prisoners, in making disciples, and in many other ways which we will soon discover. God has prepared us for this mission for many years, and, finally, in January of 2012 our family will be going to St. Louis du Nord to live out this call.
NWHCM is an independent, nonprofit Christian church organization with thirty years of commitment to Haiti that is dedicated to establishing and partnering with indigenous churches to help bring people in Northwest Haiti out of spiritual, physical and social poverty, demonstrating God’s love for all people. The main campus is located in St Louis du Nord. It has a hospital and birthing center, clinic, pharmacy, nutrition program, baby and special needs orphanage, and an elderly home. NWHCM also participates in a diverse collection of programs such as primary schools, feeding projects, orphanages, medical clinics, church planting, a Bible college, and agricultural development. It is the largest employer in the zone and one of the largest ministries in Haiti, and we are overjoyed to become a part of the great work they are doing.
Our job as missionaries on the campus is to help better enable this mission to succeed, so John has accepted a position as the mission campus pastor, where he will teach and disciple directly to the people of Northwest Haiti. Christi will be discipling to young mothers who bring their children to the nutrition program, and Terah has planned to start backyard Bible studies that will introduce the people to God and His love for them.
We are encouraged in this endeavor by our faith in Jesus Christ and we are driven to serve the poor and oppressed in the Western Hemisphere’s poorest nation because we love the people and believe that God loves them too. We believe in Christ’s promise to bring us life in its fullest for all people, and we believe in His command to serve our impoverished neighbors. With that, we are not being called to a country; we are being called to obedience in joining a movement with our Haitian brothers and sisters, in bringing the word of Christ to the streets of a beautiful country in a tangible, expressive love for our neighbors, in providing food and clothes, in caring for the orphan and the widow, in visiting the prisoners, in making disciples, and in many other ways which we will soon discover. God has prepared us for this mission for many years, and, finally, in January of 2012 our family will be going to St. Louis du Nord to live out this call.
How you can be a part of this unique journey...
- Joining us in communal prayer (please see the prayer needs below)
- Joining us in financial support, whether it is a one time donation or monthly supporty.
Click the DONATE link at the top of our blog.
Northwest Haiti Christian Mission 7271 South Mayfower Park Ave Zionsville, IN 46077
Please include a note that it is for the Barnes' family.
We have found such peace and freedom through obedience to His call! We are thankful beyond words for so many of you who have encouraged us along our journey, and we are excited about all that God has in store for our family as we pour out our lives as an extension of Christ.
Consumed by the Call, John, Christi, Terah, Jordan, and Ava Grace Barnes
“Do not become weary in doing good…” Galatians 6:9
Join us in prayer: - Continued pursuit of communition with Jesus each day.
- Continued strength for our marriage.
- Continued brokeness and humility in the call.
- Seeking council in the decisions before us.
- Closure for Terah, Jordan, and Ava at Coder in December.
- Wisdom on who God wants us to pursue to be in communal jounrey within this call.
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