A Story of Connection Beyond Imagination
This year, we approach seven years for House of Moses! As I look back, I would never have imagined seeing the students spiritually grow and nurture into the fine men and women they have become today. The planning/organizing side of me then said “how will we do this? Who will help us? Is this possible?” We want so much for God to lay the ‘plan’ out in front of us, what’s the five year outlook, how about next week or next month? Jesus never promised us that nor does the bible reference it. Jesus simply said “I am the way”. John 14:6
About three years ago, my wife Cyndi was able to join me on one of my trips to Haiti. It was her first mission experience and a wonderful blessing for us as a married couple to go together. It was then we met Ruth, a beautiful young lady who asked for help at the mission because she had severe pain in her arm. Ruth arrived shortly after we landed to be seen by Cyndi who is an RN. Ruth was scared, as many Haitians see tragedy and sickness to have sad endings. Cyndi reassured her that it was likely minor but that surgery would be needed to help her.
We continued to spend time with Ruth, getting to know her since she was a student at Sonlight across the street. We felt drawn to her family and really began to understand the Haitian family unit if you will. Ruth lived with her parents and two brothers in the area. She was precious and humble in every way, quiet in her presence yet projecting a love that was contagious. She loved Jesus very much and began attending bible studies at HOM.
School is not free in Haiti and we felt led to support Ruth through her high school years, relieving some pressure from her family. I made a couple of visits back over the next couple of years and we maintained contact through Facebook and handwritten letters Ruth would send back with me or the Barnes. It was always a treasure to read her letters and it blew me away how good her English was both written and verbally.
In May of 2017, we saw Ruth graduate High School in Haiti! She finished 4th in her class with so much potential and a desire to be a nurse. Her best chance for that was in the States, but how? Where is the plan? Could it work? Here I go again…
Through generous giving and support of many along with her incredible host home sponsor, Ruth is thriving in California beginning her second semester of college in Bakersfield, California. She finished her first semester with nearly a 4.0 GPA. We brought Ruth to visit us for a week just before Christmas here in Texas. I can’t express enough how precious this time was for us, her presence was so warming and redeeming for us from some experiences in our past. She fondly refers to us as Mom & Dad and we call her our daughter. Words can’t express how surreal it was after multiple visits with her in Haiti, being in her home, having dinner with her family and then to have her in OUR home after all these years. I watched Cyndi and Ruth in awe, they had the best time doing mother/daughter things. They have such a special bond together now.
The board of directors and I firmly appreciate each of you whom receive our letters. House of Moses exists because of faithfulness and obedience through Jesus…there is no other way and you are a part of that too. Our work is not done, and we appreciate your continued support for these students but also, John & Christi Barnes. They are followers for Christ and walk diligently day by day to fulfill His will with a smile and joy in their hearts. Please know that you make a difference.
Blessings to you and your families this New Year.
In Him, Steve Green President, House of Moseshttp://www.houseofmoses.tv/donate
