Sunday, April 15, 2012

We are HOME! (Our first day back)

Last night...
As we reenter the mission at Saint Louis we find a huge welcome home sign and many hugs and kisses (cultural thing).  The smiles that we were welcomed to, was so warming to our soul.

Sunday...our first full day back!
Today was so amazing! We started with a visit at the local church across the street from the mission!  It was great to see Pastor Alexa and Pastor Verti again.  To be able to worship for almost three hours was great!  

After lunch, I (John) ventured out of the gates of the mission to visit some of the teenagers I was working with before we had to abruptly leave.  Alince, Eddie, and I spent some time talking about the last couple of months with them making fun of my Kreyol and me making fun of their English.  These are two teenagers that are doing all they can to stay in school.  Christi and I are so very proud of them.  

After speaking with them for a while, before reentering the gate I met a new friend, Wilson.  Wilson is a 17 year old boy that is an amazing artist and is trying to do all he can to stay in school too.  He took me to his house to meet his mom and his step-father, which is a huge expression of love in this culture.  We had a good time hanging and talking about Jesus, (he is a devout follower).

Upon leaving Wilson and returning to the mission, Christi met me and told me I was late for my own party, oops the time thing in Haiti is just not that important.  All the teenage orphans came over to our house to hangout for a while.  We ate snacks and had koolaid, and they talk me to do some kind of new dance.  (SCARY)  Within this group of orphans we definitely have two young men that are called to the ministry, Kenken and Joceylyn.  I look forward to discipling them in the upcoming months.  All the teenagers were so excited to start up the bible study next Saturday at 3 pm.  Please join us in prayer for this bible study! 

Finally our day ended by our entire family walling to Wendy's home.  Wendy was a single woman that we met back in February.  She was 8+ months pregnant when we left her.  Since we have been gone she had her baby and we got word this morning that she was waiting on us to come back to, GET THIS, NAME HER BABY!  Oh my goodness, we were so humbled.  We were pumped to see that she had better living conditions is surrounded by love.  We named baby, Moses and prayed that he will become a mighty leader for his country as Moses did for the Israelites!  

Once again, praise GOD for each of you and to HIS name be glory alone! !

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Let Us SHOUT it OUT this Easter Week!

I want to challenge us all as followers of Christ ARISE and REMEMBER in what we have been saved from.  

"Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus."  Romans 6:11
"For you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.  When Christ, who is your life, appears you will also appear with HIM in glory."  Colossians 3:3-4  

Do we really understand the enormity of this???

We need to.  We need to revisit our life before we met Christ, before Christ came in and totally freed us from the life of sin and shame that we once walked in.  We are about to enter the very reason we are able to shout of this freedom we have!  

EASTER...The Resurrection 

A very dark time that ends in a huge celebration.  A time when Jesus took on all of our sin and shame, taking on God's full wrath.  A very dark time in which He pleaded with HIS Father, "...if there be any other way let this cup pass from me!"  

But the cup didn't pass!  He was beaten, spat upon, nailed to a cross; suffering for our sake.  But it did not end there...

He did not stay in the grave.  He arose, yes Christ arose!  Death was defeated and satan was the one with the shame and scorn.  Jesus was alive.  And because of that we too, if we are in Christ, have the same power over death and hell!  


We must go and tell!  The world needs to hear about this Jesus!  There are many suffering in shame from the result of their sin and others sin!  Jesus never intended this!  He died for to set the sinner free.  

This week we must go and share this message with our co-workers, friends, enemies, family members, etc.  Do what it takes to share the Jesus that rescued you!  

Oh yeah, and if takes Easter Eggs then take them to an Easter Egg Hunt, but do not forget to speak of the Jesus that rescued you!   Jesus would be amidst the children today hiding and finding the eggs!!!!

David Crowder sums it up well in the following: