So here we go! Instead of writing the story, I want to share what was shown us in the past week that took us from St Louis du Nord to Port au Prince, to Miami, and back to Texas for a short time to heal, rest and prepare to return to our Haiti home.
1. I am not God, and God is patient and merciful with me in this.
2. All things work together for GOOD, the GOOD being for HIS GLORY not our want.
3. Community rocks. We have amazing friends and family that surround us!
4. What is intended for HARM God uses for GOOD!
5. I am SOOO in LOVE with my WIFE.
6. Be thankful for what you have now, it is not promised tomorrow.
7. Friends are like cream, they definitely rise to the top when you need them!
8. We do not go through anything that CHRIST Himself hasn't faced.
9. Our only security and assurance is in Christ alone; you can put it in nothing else; solid and peace is found within it nowhere else.
I cannot help but close with this song as it captures our heart in the recent journey.